Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Global Awareness: I will continue to have an appreciation for the world, diversity, and culture around me. I will take classes that teach me of different histories and traditions, and I will study abroad. As an international studies major, Global Awareness is of upmost importance to me. I will strive to learn about the world around me, and continue to be a global citizen.

Original Inquiry: I will continue challenging myself in the courses I take, and I will strive to learn new things of my interests through research and my studies.

Academic Enrichment: I will participate in engaging classes and give each class my all in order to learn as much as I can, and invest myself areas of study that interest me.

Leadership Development: I will continue bettering my leadership skills through the Mount Leadership Society, BuckeyeThon, The Ohio Leadership Institute, etc. I will always aspire to inspire those around me, and allow those I surround myself with to feel comfortable and relaxed with me.

Service Engagement: Through the organizations in which I am involved, I will continue volunteering and serving those around me; bettering the community and myself in doing so.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]




Union Jack Flag- As an International Studies major, I am extremely interested in studying the different cultures of the world. This fascination of the world began in the 6th grade, when I started Ohio Model United Nations. Ever since, I have had the strong desire to travel the world. The first place I set my heart on traveling to was the United Kingdom. I studied all of the different things about the UK, and the differences and similarities between the US and the UK. Later on in middle school, my mom got me the Union Jack for my birthday. Since then, it has acted as a reminder for me to pursue my dream of traveling and studying the world.

About Me


Hello! My name is Mary Hippler, and I am enrolled as a freshman at THE Ohio State University. Currently, I am studying International Studies with possible minors in Peace Studies and French. I am involved in the Mount Leadership Society Scholars, which is a service and leadership based scholars program. Both service and leadership, I believe, play a key role in who I am as a person. I have always been one to help and serve others. My experiences with service include volunteering at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, offering my time with school and church service projects, helping with the International Outreach Program for Education in Nigeria (I-OPEN), etc. It is something I enjoy doing, and is a practice I plan on continuing throughout the rest of my life. With leadership, I believe I have a significant amount of experience. The Ohio Leadership Institute is something I have been involved in since the 2nd grade. I attended Leadership camps, worked as a counselor at those camps, and helped as a staff member to run the camps (I am still currently a staff member). I have also participated in Ohio Model United Nations, and served as a delegate and State Officer. I was elected as Secretary General for both Junior and Senior OMUN, which allowed me to preside over 1600 delegates. I have gained skills over the years that include: public speaking, teamwork, responsibility, enthusiasm, good communication, resourcefulness, and open mindedness. I believe that leadership and service are two defining factors of who I am as a person.