About Me

 Hello everyone! I’m Brayden Hilton and I am an animal science at THE Ohio State University. Like most people who have a parent in a branch of the military I was not born where I currently live. I was born at an Air Force base hospital in a place called Lakenheath, England. After about a year I moved to America to Oklahoma then moved up to Ohio at the age of five. Even though I wasn’t born here in Ohio, it is where most of my family is from so it will always be home to me.

One big passion of mine has always been a huge fascination to anything that a stereotypical nerd would be into. I’ve always been fascinated with video games, card games, and mythologies ever since my elementary school years. This is how I made many friends over the years which is why it’s a big part of my life. Even so, the other half of me loves the outdoors wether its camping, fishing or biking. These activities haven’t been in my life for some time. Hopefully the ENR scholars program can rekindle the spark to take these activities up again.

My biggest goal in life is to run my own veterinary practice right here in Ohio. I can be close but not too close to home while making sure I can make a life for myself and still love what I do. With all the hard work and dedication I have put into the years I’m sure my dream can become a reality all I have to do is keep working hard and stay focused.

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