Semester Reflection

This has been no ordinary semester in the slightest, from online classes to limited interaction with others and all other restrictions due to COVID-19. Despite of all the new rules for my first college semester, it wasn’t that bad. The transition was a little rougher than imagined but easier in some departments. With going mostly online besides a few exceptions I found that I don’t learn as effectively in a non-classroom setting, but with all my classes being online I had more time to do work since I didn’t have to walk around from class to class. Other than that life in college has been great, it was easy to make friends which was one of my huge concerns coming into college and that made the transition a bit easier. So far college life has been great not just because you are away from home but everyone is just trying to get through school while trying to have fun and its easy to bond over that especially if you chare classes with them. OSU’s campus is just so beautiful I love that about the college and is one thing that is so cool about the culture is just there is always something happening maybe not as much due to COVID but hopefully more of that will happen soon. The other students and the factually for the most part have been great and it made the university more welcoming to myself and others. Granted with COVID it was a bit different but still wasn’t too bad most of my professors made the transition to online learning pretty smooth and manageable. One big struggle of college life is since everything is online it is sometimes hard to want to get out of bed just to look at a computer screen all day. The lack of interaction in the daily life at OSU due to the distanced learning just made my mental state decline pretty hard when I was on campus. Luckily I had friends who were all going through the same thing so we where there to help each other try and get through this rough and very different semester. One thing I achieved this semester is getting through it. There where many times in this semester where I felt like giving up and I, with the help of my friends, kept pushing because I knew I could do it and with the little extra push I got through it. With this semester it showed me that I can achieve things even if they aren’t necessarily normal but I just need to power through and keep my mind sharp and that will help me. A goal for myself next semester is hold myself to higher standards for my academics. I let myself go off too easy this semester and because of that my grade slipped pretty hard. I know for next semester I need to hold myself more accountable for my own work and making sure I understand the material thoroughly. Next semester I am not taking as many classes because I found my limit in my first semester so that should be easier for me to make sure I understand the material. I won’t bespreading myself too thin and I should be able to balance the work to ensure I have better grades ending next semester.