Posted above is the work that I began with for this project. This is the first time that I have done a perspective drawing in this much detail and it was a challenge at first, but I ended up loving it. It was satisfying how all of the lines would connect perfectly (when done right). At first, I didn’t see the purpose of all the lines we placed in, but the further I went with the project, the more I realized how important they were. They really helped with the placement of objects and which way the lines were supposed to go. I have done perspective drawings in the past, but they never had all of the lines everywhere, and I can tell they made my drawing look a lot better than if I attempted it without them.
I knew what kind of objects I wanted to have, but of course I needed inspiration when it came to the dimensions and aesthetic. First, since we first learned what we were doing for this project, I knew I wanted a standing desk. I personally love standing when I work, and I think they should be available in more office spaces. Linked first above is a photo of the desk that I got inspiration from. I loved the modern approach to this desk and how it was simple. I found it very helpful to have the measurements to go off of on this photo. Linked second is a photo of the “couch” that I got inspiration from. At first, I thought I wanted a chaise lounge, but I decided against that when I kept looking for chairs. I used the photo above, but I changed some of it. In the photo there is no back to the couch, but I knew I wanted a back so I added that in. They aren’t identical, but this was just an inspiration of what I wanted. For the plants, I knew snake plants were really good indoor plants, so that’s why I placed on in the front right corner. I also placed a cactus in the back left corner, because they don’t need a lot of attention and because I personally love cacti. As far as a structural detail, I added the shelf above my desk with a candle, because of my love for candles. I also placed the long window going along the back wall and sides, so that there would be a lot of natural light. I have always loved beams on ceilings that stuck out, so I wanted to do something with these. I decided to make them also lights, so that when it was dark out, you could still work.
Listed above, is my process in order of the rough sketches into the final drawing. The first photo shows the basic layout I have established, before I went in and added the hardwood flooring. I have the most important elements added in this photo so far. In the second photo, I added in the flooring. I kept the dimensions simple, I didn’t want a crazy floor with everything else that was going on in the room already. In the third photo, I show the pillows that I fixed. In the photos before this one, I had the pillows in the form of cubes, so I took the advice and made them more realistic, like they have been moved or even sat against. In the next photo linked as “PreShading”, this was the final step before I began to add detail and shading to my room to make it come to life. The final draft is right before I added the “final touches”, I went over some more lines, darkened some areas and added more shading which led me to the final photo, my end product.