International Internships Panel

Navigating Job Fairs & Landing an International Internship- A Panel

Professional Development Event Reflection

9 September 2019, 7pm-8pm, Smith-Steeb Hall

I attended this event with several friends who live on my floor.  The panel was made up of four current students who have done international internships- one in Portugal, one in France, one in Canada, and one for the Office of Central European Affairs within the State Department in Washington D.C.  It was interesting to see the variance in their different internships across different disciplines.  While the main focus of their tasks were not necessarily in international affairs, each felt that simply being abroad added immensely to the experience.

The panel discussed several logistical aspects of their internships, including how they funded their internship, found housing and food, and how they made connections that landed them their internship.  As a new student, still trying to figure out how to navigate the wide range of opportunities here at Ohio State, it was useful to hear about some of the offices and routes I can go through when I want to pursue my own international internship.  It also helped me to realize the importance of networking, because you never know what a connection may lead to down the road.

Overall, it was interesting to hear about both the logistics of doing an international internship, as well as the personal growth each member of the panel described as a result of working in a different country.  The panel sparked a greater desire to pursue my own international internship at some point in my time here at Ohio State.

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