Annotated Bibliography (3 Entries)

  1. Xiao, Leon Y, and Laura L Henderson. “Towards an Ethical Game Design Solution to Loot Boxes: a Commentary on King and Delfabbro, by Xiao, Leon Y.; Henderson, Laura L.” Ideas, Center for Open Science, 4 Sept. 2019,
    1. This source is in response to a source I had cited as #4 in the previous post, it adds examples and critiques some of the “solutions to loot-boxes” that were described in the previous article. It was written by Leon Y. Xiao and Laura L. Henderson, law students at Durham University. I chose this source because it offers a different perspective on another of my sources used, as well as many real examples of the topics discussed. Its recent publication date means its information is up to date and the examples are relevant to gamers today. Found on Google Scholar.
  2. Shieber, Jonathan. “Video Game Revenue Tops $43 Billion in 2018, an 18% Jump from 2017.” TechCrunch, TechCrunch, 22 Jan. 2019,
    1. This source compiles data for video game sales over the past several years. It was written by Jonathan Shieber at TechCrunch, a popular technology news publisher. I chose this source because of the stats used. It was published in 2019 and compares statistics over the past several years, therefore it is relevant to my paper. Found on Google.
  3. Iqbal, Mansoor. “App Revenue Statistics (2019).” Business of Apps, Business of Apps, 13 Sept. 2019,
    1. This source details how much money is spent on the iTunes store and the different ways that it is spent. It is written and compiled by Mansoor Iqbal, a writer for Business of Apps. I chose this article because of the raw data it contains in reference to mobile gaming, as well as the graphics. It is recently published (2019) and contains updated data. Found on Google

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