My name is Taylor Hafner and I am a first-year International Business and Marketing student in the Fisher College of Business with a minor in Communications. I am a member of the Business Scholars Program within the university. This program has made it easier to connect with people in my year as well as some people from the second year through the scholars peer mentors.
In regards to campus involvement, I am currently in 2 clubs/organizations. The first organization is nicknames FYLI, which stands for First Year Leadership Initiative. I joined this organization in September of 2017. In this org we learn and develop out leadership and professional development skills while doing fun activities during our weekly meeting, and have the occasional outing to places like the ARC and the North Market. The other club I am a member of is boxing club. I only joined this club recently, in January of 2018. This one is pretty self-explanatory — during our meetings we learn to box and also do other sorts of physical activity, like lifting weights or running.