#2 Composition

Thumbnail sketches of a backpack, water bottle, shoe, and a journal. The photo on the left is an enlarged sketch of one of the thumbnail sketches I did.

One thought on “#2 Composition

  1. Nice work Jinju! You were really able to find a variety of interesting and dynamic compositions. Your subjective and objective line use is also very nice. I am glad to see those exercises are carrying over into your other drawings!

    The thumbnail sketch is also a great tool to have in your back pocket as you plan out your other drawings this semester, or in the future. You can always set up a grid in your sketchbook and plan out different compositions until you land on one that feels right! Feel free to also rearrange your still life in conjunction with utilizing the viewfinder. Sometimes you have to play with what you are looking at until you find the arrangement that speaks to you!

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