Assignment 2: Perspective and Landscape

The image on the bottom is a drawing that I drew in the third perspective of a messy table that represents the aftermath of a girl’s night in. This drawing has a single fictional element included, which is a slim road winding through and behind the objets on the table. The middle on the left/middle was drawn in the second perspective, and this is a drawing of random objects from class with fictional elements included. The third drawing on the right was drawn in second perspective as well, and is a drawing of a building outside Hayes Hall. I used a mix of charcoal as well as an assortment of graphite pencils to complete this project. I don’t know if it is that noticeable, but my drawings seem to be filled, yet have a feeling of emptiness to them which was actually intentional when I was creating these drawings. That is why the labels on the objects on the table were left blank, why the road doesn’t have cars or people, and why there are also no people included in the middle drawing which seems to suppose to represent some sort of play area. I did this because the landscapes that I drew are meant to be a place filled with people and meant to be seen as lively. For example, the university building should be busseling with people walking in and about, the play area should be played on, and the table is a representation of the aftermath of a girls night in. However, I wanted to take these busy moments in our lives and create a still moment where you just appreciate its existence. sort of. 🙂

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