A copy of my dream collage from post #6 using a range of graphite pencils. It is not an exact copy because it was too difficult for me to capture all of the details, so I chose some of my favorite images to portray in this translation. The images that I decided to copy are also the objects that best represented my meaning of “dream” from my previous post: to go back in time/relive life to chase after the innocent freedom of childhood.
Jinju!! This is one of the best drawings I have seen you make in the class — I think you should be really proud of this! Your collage was very complex, so your decisions to simplify and edit it in certain places are really smart. That can often be hard, but this drawing really does feel like a true translation of your collage rather than a strict copy. I think the theme/ thoughts about your “dream” were also clarified and tightened in the process.
The point of this exercise was to show you how collage can lead you to make a drawing that might not have been able to occur through observation or pure imagination! I am not sure the drawing of your “dream” would have turned out the same if you hadn’t made the collage first! And if you were to make a translation of this drawing again, it might then lead to an entirely new drawing with different edits and discoveries through that process! I can see you doing that already and I applaud your dedication to really challenge yourself in this drawing!