Does consciousness make someone human?

I think that consciousness is a something that can easily be debated between philosophers yet I personally think that a consciousness that has grown and experienced things in a span of time in the mind is what makes a person, a person. Having a consciousness and it having evolved and had the experiences it did is what makes someone a person. Without these experiences and everything that someone experienced throughout their consciousness is what makes someone unique and able to have all the thought processes and feelings and emotions tied into being “human”. In the example we talked about in class, with a computer having the mind of someone, I still think that computer can in no way be human. It hasn’t experienced nearly half of what the person himself has. The computer hasn’t grown with the person and the experiences so it in no way can be a human. Being a human, to me relies on consciousness and the mind and it’s experiences.

2 thoughts on “Does consciousness make someone human?

  1. I agree that a computer cannot be conscious like a human can. The computer never had a past or any feelings tied to certain experiences, even though they may believe that after the time they were programmed they may have felt something. Since the “mind” of a computer functions differently than a humans, there is no presence of a conscious. Computers do not differ from each other; they are programmed the way that people program them and have not acquired a mind of their own, and even if they did, they would not have the consciousness that humans have because they will never be able to fully comprehend human experience and feelings.

  2. I also agree that a computer cannot be conscious like a human being. I also believe that being human is defined as having a consciousness as well as having a soul and emotions. A computer may be programmed to contain past experiences but their reactions to them won’t be the same as the reaction of human beings. Computers don’t have the ability to express their emotion because they have none.

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