Flaws in Determinism

I think that there are many good points that suggest determinism is a strong philosophical view to believe in, however, I think a flaw exists for determinism that makes indeterminism more plausible. Determinism suggests that if a person knew everything, they could predict your entire life and the future surrounding you. I do not think this is possible. I cannot see how one person would ever be able to know everything about a person and their past to be able to fully understand and even predict the future of that person. I also think that natural disasters and chance events that are seen as completely unpredictable cannot be a logical factor for determinism. These chance events can completely alter a person’s life and I do not know how a person could accurately predict that this chance event would happen and how it would affect the future of that person. This is mainly why I cannot find determinism to be completely plausible and therefore believe that indeterminism is the more reasonable view. Also, I think indeterminism plays a significant role in free will and I thought Kane had a very strong argument for free will with his newfound idea of self-forming actions, which further support the view of indeterminism.

One thought on “Flaws in Determinism

  1. It is unlikely that anyone could ever know enough information and about the laws of physics to be able to accurately predict a person’s future; however, this just needs to be possible in principle for determinism to be true. As for chance events, a determinist could argue that these events only appear to be chance and do have a cause though it might not be immediately obvious.

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