About Me

Hello, my name is Matthew Gross and I identify as many things. Foremost, I identify as a Clevelander. I was born and raised 30 minutes outside of the city and take pride in it’s sports, food, and culture. Many people don’t understand the pride that we have for our city, but those of us that are from there have a special bond. I also identify as an Ohio State student. Both of my parents went to this university so I was raised a Buckeye. The gameday traditions combined with academic excellence create the perfect mixture for success. I take great pride in attending for my undergraduate degree, and hope to also attend law school here after I finish my undergraduate education. Finally, I identify as a member of the Marine Corps. This spring I am taking a semester off to attend basic training in Paris Island, South Carolina. I will then become a member of the reserves until I finish my undergrad, and then I hope to complete an officer program and serve for four years. I take pride in my country and I believe in fighting for those who can’t. I take great pride in all parts of my life, and will continue to do so as I continue my academic and professional career.