Media Appearances

Here you’ll find a smattering of media appearances by Dr. Grizzard discussing his research. These help give some insight into the context of the findings and how they are interpreted in the popular press.

Psychology of Video Games Podcast – Dr. Grizzard discusses morality and moral choices in video games.

The Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman (S6 E01, “Are We All Bigots”) – Dr. Grizzard discusses his research on guilt in video games and how it might strengthen moral judgments. – Dr. Grizzard is interviewed about differences between mediated violence and real-life violence.

WNYC’s The Takeaway (“Debate: Should the Public Have Access to Footage of Mass Shootings”) – Dr. Grizzard, along with Sahara Byrne of Cornell University, weigh the pros and cons of releasing footage from mass shootings and other violent atrocities.

Toronto Star ( “Wanted: Really Good Villains”) – Dr. Grizzard is interviewed about his research on how audiences perceive heroes and villains

The Cut – Jesse Singal dissects Dr. Grizzard’s findings regarding guilt in video games and how the science behind the findings are more complex than portrayed in some media outlets.