Year in Review

1st Semester Freshman Year in Review

This past semester I have had the opportunity to participate in several BiosciĀ scholarsĀ events. Already through my participation in scholars community service events and other activities, I have learned so much about my myself and have created lifelong friendships. I have grown so much as a person and have matured and grown more confident in myself and in my skills. Through service, I have learned the volunteer work of one individual can make a lasting impact on the life of another person while giving me a feeling of fulfillment. Furthermore, the social events I have attended have allowed me to create friendships with individuals I would have never met otherwise. Academically I have grown as well, I have learned to adapt to new ways of teaching by changing my study habits in order to succeed in my classes. In the classroom, I have also reached out and established friendships, something I would have never done before, due to the confidence I gained by interacting with individuals in the Biosci scholars program. Overall, this semester has been filled with so many opportunitiesĀ and new experiences, mostly due to my participation in this program.

Sophmore Year in Review

This past year I have had the opportunity to get involved in so many different things on campus, not just in my scholars. I joined two new clubs which have had a great impact on my college experience. The first is 4 paws where I had the opportunity of training a dog for this past semester in order to properly prepare him to become a service dog. I learned about all the hard work that goes into training these dogs, and the impact that they have on their new families lives. The second club I joined was HOSA, which stands for future health occupational professionals of America. With HOSA I got to compete in a state post-secondary veterinary medicine competition and placed 1st in Ohio. I studied very hard for the written and skills portion of the exam, and it paid off. This summer in June I will be competing with the club once again, but this time at an international competition in veterinary medicine among other topics such as organic chemistry. In addition to joining new clubs, I attended many biosci events that allowed me to become closer with my friends and make new ones as well. Some of the most memorable events I was a part of were the visit to the planetarium, going to cosi, the dog adoption event, speaking on the summer experience panel, and last but not least Barrett study sessions. This year came with some challenges as well. I took 18 credit hours while being an active member of several clubs and while looking for summer internships. Although all of my final grades have not been posted yet, I am very pleased with myself academically. Furthermore, I found an internship for this summer that will help me get closer to my career goals!


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