Year in Review

This year has really allowed me to grow as a person, and I feel as though I am much closer to reaching my goals than I was just a few short months ago. This year has allowed me to partake further in many activities that have opened my mind and helped me to fulfill many of the areas of the G.O.A.L.S. of the Honors program here at OSU. I would like to reflect on what I have done this year and what I plan to do in the future to fulfill all of my G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness:

Becoming globally aware is something I strive to achieve in my life as I gain more experience. Currently, I am enrolled in a class called HIV: Microbiology to Macrohistory in which we learn about the complex issues posed by HIV and how it is affecting the health of millions of individuals across the globe. This class has opened my eyes to the enormous disparity in the treatment and resources available for those with HIV around the world and has motivated me to learn more about those countries most affected by HIV and what the United States has done to either help or hinder their progress toward more widespread treatment and better medical facilities.

I want to continue to broaden my perspective on global awareness throughout my time at Ohio State through pursuing a Global Public Health minor. Often, it is the case that many in the United States are not aware of the health issues affecting millions across the globe. I will strive to become a more globally aware individual through learning about these issues and what world organizations are doing to combat them and further global public health. Having a strong understanding of global public health will help me to form my own opinions and strive to help others around the world long after I have finished my time at Ohio State.

Original Inquiry:

This year, I have learned much more about the research process through my Ecology class. In the lab for this class, I am required to participate in multiple small scale research and data collection processes, such as gathering data on the goldenrod gall fly. The class also requires me to do a semester long research project on squirrel behavior in which I collect data over several weeks and write a formal paper on the information I’ve gathered. I have also been helping my ecology TA collect data for his graduate research project on two species of desert shrub. Through this, I have been witness to what graduate level research is like. I also plan on taking EEOB 3498 my senior year, in which I would conduct my own research on an area of behavioral ecology of my choosing. I think having a strong research background will greatly benefit me during my time in Veterinary school.

Academic Enrichment:

I chose the zoology major because I have a passion for animals and conservation, and I believe being knowledgeable in these areas will greatly benefit me in the future. Our planet is currently facing dramatic global changes and extinctions due to climate change, and I hope to use my knowledge learned at OSU to help prevent these dramatic effects from continuing to take place. After I receive my undergraduate degree, I would like to attend vet school at OSU, so taking rigorous and intellectually-stimulating coursework is very important to me.

Besides taking all of the prerequisites for vet school, I have tried to take honors or upper level courses for all of my GE requirements. Because my required courses are all heavily science-based, it is important to me that I make myself well-rounded through diverse and interesting GE courses. For example, a class I am currently in, History 3704 (HIV: Microbiology to Macrohistory) fulfills my history GE requirement, but it also has opened my eyes to so much information that I was completely unaware of. The class has delved into the history of, and the modern-day issues, faced by several African countries, such as Malawi and South Africa, as well as the effect of HIV on their health care systems. I am very thankful that my honors status has allowed me to take this class at this time, because it has inspired me to pursue other challenging coursework so that I can be a more thoughtful person.

Leadership Development:

I am currently involved in Pre-Vet club, Evolution and Ecology club, Animal Welfare and Behavior Club, and I am planning to go to Cusco, Peru through Volunteers Around the World with several other OSU student during the 2019 winter break. These various activities have allowed me to meet new people and explore outside of my comfort zone in different volunteer opportunities and educational trips. I have been learning from others how to be a leader, and I hope to obtain a leadership position in one of these clubs in the future.

This year, I have also been an Office Assistant for Bradley-Paterson hall. This job has enhanced my interpersonal skills and helped me to think quickly in novel situations. I also interact daily with my building’s RAs, so I get to see what leadership means to them.

Next year, I hope to be an ASC Honors Peer Mentor. This would allow me to meet incoming ASC Honors students and teach them about all of the exciting opportunities OSU has to offer, as well as give them advice on navigating the most stressful parts of college. This would really allow me to hone in on my leadership skills and abilities and develop my own style of leadership.

These leadership goals are crucial to me because being able to be a confident leader will be very important to me during Vet school and throughout my career after I graduate. Being able to effectively lead a number of people is crucial in many work environments, and a veterinary hospital is no different. I hope to be someone that others can look up to, and I will try to lead by example by being as hard-working and dedicated as I can be.

Service Engagement:

Through pre-vet club, I am able to volunteer at the OSU Animal Hospital each week. I also volunteer at various nearby shelters and sanctuaries like the Ohio House Rabbit Rescue and Sunrise Sanctuary through Animal Welfare and Behavior Club.

When I travel to Peru in the winter of this year through Volunteers Around the World, I will be volunteering at a local animal hospital assisting veterinarians with handling, vaccinating, and drawing blood from patients. My VAW group will also be traveling to more rural areas to assist those with animals living outside of Cusco, as well as spend a day teaching children living in Cusco about local animals. I’m sure this will be an impactful experience that will inspire me to continue volunteer work around the world when opportunities arise.

I also hope to volunteer through a Buck-I-SERV trip during my 2020 spring break. As of right now, I am most interested in traveling to New York City to volunteer at the Gay Men’s Health Crisis. From my class on HIV, I think I will possess a good amount of background information that will allow me to effectively help people. If possible, I would like to lead the trip to gain more leadership experience, and to help others have a memorable experience and perhaps change their own views on HIV. I have learned that although the disease has become less stigmatized recently, many people still hold prejudices against those with HIV, and I think volunteering at the GMHC will be beneficial for myself, as well as the others involved, and help us to minimize our own prejudices as well as educate those around us on our experience.