Farm Office Live – March 2023

The OSU Extension Farm Office team invites you to attend the March Madness Edition of the “Farm Office Live” Webinar on Friday, March 17 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. This monthly webinar allows Ohio farmers and agribusiness personnel to learn more about current farm management and agricultural law issues.

In this month’s webinar, the Farm Office Team will present the following topics:

  • Federal & State Legislative Update (Peggy Hall)
  • New Postnuptial Agreement Legislation (Robert Moore)
  • Marital and Non-Marital Assets (Robert Moore)
  • Selling Timber- Call Before You Cut (Dave Apsley)
  • Update on Crop Input Costs and Crop Budget Outlook for 2023 (Barry Ward)
  • Sales Tax Exemption Issues (Jeff Lewis)
  • 2023 Spring Crop Insurance Update (Eric Richer)
  • Emergency Relief Program (David Marrison)

There is no fee to attend this webinar.  However, registration is required at

Check out for all your farm management and ag & resource law needs.

New Fertilizer Applicator Training – 3-Hour Webinar Session

 An online 3-hour FACT option will be available again this year. The 2023 Agricultural Fertilizer FIRST-TIME Certification Webinar will be held on March 22, 2023 approximately from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. The deadline for applicators to register is March 15, 2023. The fee to register is $35, as in years’ past. For additional information regarding this event, you can visit our website at:


Time Presentation Speaker Title
8:30 Room opens, check-in
9:00 Requirement of Certified Applicators/Regulations Jocelyn Birt Water Quality Extension Associate
9:20 Water Quality Impacts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Paige Garrabrant Water Quality Extension Associate
9:55 Break
10:00 Soil Sample Collection/Soil Test Report Chris Zoller AgNR Tuscarawas Co
10:25 2020 Tri-State Recommendation Framework Rachel Cochran Water Quality Extension Associate
10:55 Break
11:00 Phosphorus Recommendations to Maximize

Economic Potential and Limit Edge of Field Losses

Greg LaBarge Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems
11:20 Nitrogen Recommendations to Maximize

Economic Potential and Limit Edge of Field Losses

Greg LaBarge Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems
12:15 Complete Certification Process and Adjourn Pest Ed Staff

Livestock News

Beef Cattle

Four new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1334 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter:

This week Tim McDermott shares details of why Ohio is considered on the forefront of expansion of ticks and tick-vectored disease in both animals and humans.

And, don’t forget to join us for a herd health management update during this evening’s third session of the 2023 Ohio Virtual Beef School.

Articles this week include:

    • Managing Asian Longhorned Ticks on Pasture
    • Strategies for Multi-Species Grazing
    • How much can I afford to pay to get my pastures right?
    • High Prices, Low Volatility

Small Ruminant

Farmers: Share Your Thoughts on Cover Crops in the National Cover Crop Survey!

Farmers are invited to share their thoughts on cover crops in an online survey at Why do you plant cover crops…or why don’t you? What do you want to know? Your insight will help guide research, communications, seed development, and more.

This National Cover Crop Survey is the seventh since 2012 conducted by the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), with the help of Informa/Farm Progress.

“Since 2012, the National Cover Crop Survey has been extremely valuable in helping guide research priorities, direct communications and education efforts, provide data to researchers, and illustrate the effects of policy on cover crop use and adoption,” says Dr. Rob Myers, regional director of extension programs for North Central SARE and director of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture. “Data from previous surveys have been used in scientific papers, business planning, extension efforts, media coverage of cover crops, and even included in testimony to Congress.”

Please take a few minutes to contribute your voice at After completing the questionnaire, you may enter a drawing for one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

Understanding Soil Nutrients

Soil is home to a living, complex ecosystem. The upper layer of soil is where plants find the water and nutrients that they need to live. In topsoil, soil texture, organic matter, and pH levels are the three main properties that influence it. However, another important aspect of soil is the nutrients they contain. Join us Thursday, March 16th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm and hear Ed Brown, ANR Educator Athens County talk about why it’s essential to understand the importance of nutrients in our soil.

Date: Thursday, March 16th

Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Location: Zoom – Registration will close at 4:00 pm March 16th so everyone will receive the zoom link in a timely manner. Please see attached flyer for the registration link.

Cost: $5.00


Contact/Questions: Kim Hupman –

Livestock News

Beef Cattle

Seven new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1333 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter:

The grass is growing after experiencing one of the warmest February’s on record. This week we focus on preparation for the rapidly approaching grazing season!

Articles this week includes:

    • Grass Tetany . . . Time to Prepare and Prevent
    • Frost Seeding Season is Here, or, Almost Over
    • Grazing Season is Close, Will You Be Ready?
    • Calving Closer to Nature?
    • Ohio NRCS Announces Conservation Stewardship Program Funding
    • Cattle On Feed Inventories Decline for a Fifth Consecutive Month
    • Cattle on Feed and Beef Cold Storage Stocks

Small Ruminant