OSU Extension Offering Beginner & Small Farm College in Coshocton and Greene Counties

The Extension offices in Coshocton and Greene counties will be hosting the 2022 Beginner & Small Farm College on October 24, 31 and November 7 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. This college is designed to help landowners examine potential ways to increase profits on their small acreage properties. The program is open to all new or aspiring farmers, new rural landowners, small farmers, and farm families.


During this college, participants will be challenged to develop realistic expectations for their new farm business. They will receive information on getting started, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their property, and developing a farm business plan. Information on farm finances, insurance, liability, labor and marketing will be covered during the college. The topics included in this workshop include:


October 24th-Getting Started on Your New Farm Business

  • Developing real-life expectations for your farm.
  • Examining the available resources and opportunities for your property.
  • Developing a farm business plan, including setting your family and farm mission, goals and objectives.
  • An introduction to marketing and selling agricultural products.


October 31st–Money, Money, Money! Managing your Farm Finances

  • Developing a family and farm balance sheet.
  • Using enterprise budgets to project farm income.
  • Recordkeeping for farm businesses and farm taxes.
  • Managing family and farm income and expenses.


November 7th–There’s More to Farming than Just Growing Stuff!

  • Farm Management for New Farms
  • Setting up your farm business, including choosing a business entity and obtaining employer identification numbers.
  • Farm taxes.
  • Obtaining farm financing.
  • Insurance and liability for farms.
  • Licenses and permits needed for a small farm business.
  • Employer responsibilities related to farm labor and labor laws.


Farm Tour (Date & Location TBD)

Each site host will be planning a farm tour so participants can visit with a successful local farming operation to learn how they started and what they have learned during the development of their farm business.


Registration: The cost is $30 for the first person and $15 for each additional. Registration is limited to the first 50 registrants per location. Registration deadline is October 17th. There are two methods to register for this college.  Registration on-line can be made at: go.osu.edu/smallfarmcollegeregor  Registration can also be made by mailing in a registration form to the site host for the location you plan to attend.


Mail Registrations for Coshocton County Site to:

OSU Extension –Coshocton County

c/o David Marrison

724 South 7thStreet, Room 110

Coshocton, OH 43812


Mail Registrations for Greene County Site to:

OSU Extension –Greene County

c/o Trevor Corboy

100 Fairground Road

Xenia, OH 45385


More Information:

For more information about the Coshocton County location, contact David Marrison at

marrison.2@osu.edu or (740)722-6073


For more information about the Greene County location, contact Trevor Corboy at corboy.3@osu.edu or (937)736-7203

Livestock News

Beef Cattle

Five new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1312 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter: http://u.osu.edu/beef/

This time of year, “pasture walks” are an opportunity to explore what others are successfully doing with their forage management system. This week Christine Gelley shares some key points that were discussed in a recent ‘walk’ in Noble County.

Articles this week include:

  • Fall Grazing Guidance
  • Nutritional Strategies for Receiving and Feeding Early-Weaned Calves
  • What is this new tick disease?
  • Feed Price Implications for Fall
  • Feeder Markets

Small Ruminant

Power of Attorney Documents

When going through the estate planning process, determining and implementing the terms and conditions of the will or trust consume the most time.  However, some thought and consideration should be given to the Power of Attorney (POA) documents that are typically completed at the same time as the will or trust.  The POA documents designate who may act on behalf of someone who is alive but unable to act for themselves.   These documents are very important, especially for those people who are operating farms and businesses. Read more here…

Farm Management Education for Farm Women

Our Women in Ag offerings today are traced back to the inspiration provided by a farmer’s wife and business partner in Illinois.

Annie grew up in a small farm community with the goal to marry a farmer and she did! Life was not always easy. Annie spent her life learning how to be an involved business partner with her husband.

Annie’s Project, and later workshops related to farm finance and farm transition, were designed by her daughter, Ruth Fleck Hambleton, an Extension Educator specializing in farm risk management at the University of Illinois.

Annie’s Project is an educational program dedicated to strengthening women’s roles in modern farm enterprises.

This 6-week workshop focuses on five key areas of risk management: human, financial, marketing, production, and legal. Women learn about agribusiness practices from experts in their fields. They also form valuable networks with others in the class.

Ross AP Brochure

Oct 27, 31, Nov 3, 7, 10, and 17, 2022

Dinner at 5:30, Meeting 6:00-9:00 pm

Ross County Service Center

475 Western Ave., Chillicothe, OH 45601



The cost is $75.00 per person

The registration deadline is October 24, 2022

Course contacts:

Didn’t find what you need for an Ohio course? Please contact Gigi Neal at the above information or contact your local county Extension Office with interest in a series.

Livestock News


Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Ashland and Defiance Counties

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio (September 6, 2022) – Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in a backyard flock in Ashland County and a commercial chicken flock in Defiance County. The positive detections were confirmed by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS). The samples were first tested at the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and confirmed at the APHIS National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa. Read more here...

Ohio Department of Agriculture HPAI information

OSU Extension and ODA Division of Animal Health video on symptoms, biosecurity, and prevention.

Avian Influenza Brochure

Beef Cattle

Five new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1310 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter: http://u.osu.edu/beef/

At a time when retail beef prices are at historical highs, many ask why are we exporting beef. This week James Mitchell takes a look at the impact exports have on the industry.

Articles this week include:

    • Where Do We Go from Here?
    • Winterize Your Forage Plans
    • Small Farm Ruminant Production Field Day
    • Comparing Beef Cow Slaughter to 2011
    • Why do we export beef?

Small Ruminant

Mental Health First Aid ®

Do you know how to identify signs of worsening mental health in adults?
Would you know how to respond and provide support if someone was experiencing a mental health crisis?

In Ohio, 16 of the 17 counties with the highest rates of suicide are rural. Behind every number is a person who was a friend, family member, colleague, or neighbor. Sign up for Mental Health First Aid training and learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in adults and how to help in a mental health crisis.

How this course works:

  • Register to attend at: https://go.osu.edu/farmstress22mhfa
  • Complete 1.5 hours of self-paced learning online (access to materials provided approximately two weeks prior to training)
  • Attend an interactive and engaging virtual training hosted on Zoom.


Upcoming Trainings:

Sept. 29
Oct. 7 or 27
November 4
December 2

This course is valued at $170 but is FREE thanks to funding from a USDA FRSAN grant.*

*This research was supported by the intramural research program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 7 U.S.C 5936, Section 7522 of FCEA of 2008, Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN).