Tap into something new: 8 things you can learn at Ohio’s upcoming Maple Bootcamp

An Ohio State researcher installs a tap in a maple tree in a woods.Ohio State researcher Gabe Karns installs a tap in a maple tree at the university’s Mansfield campus. (Photo by Ken Chamberlain, CFAES.)

MANSFIELD, Ohio—If you’re new or new-ish to making maple syrup, there’s a lot you can learn at Maple Bootcamp: Ohio.

Set for June 22–24 at The Ohio State University at Mansfield, the event, its website says, will provide “intensive hands-on training for beginner and intermediate maple producers.”

Participants will get details on how to assess a sugarbush and all the steps that follow, from collecting sap to boiling, bottling, and selling. Classroom sessions will take place on the Ohio State Mansfield campus. Field trips and tours will visit local maple operations, including one located right on the campus.

By the end of the program, participants “will gain the skills necessary for the safe, efficient, and profitable production of maple products,” says event co-organizer Kathy Smith of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).

Smith, who is forestry program director for the CFAES School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), looks at some of the bootcamp topics:

1. What trees to tap

“While sugar maple is considered ‘the’ tree to tap for syrup, there are also other maples you can tap,” Smith says. These include black maple, red maple, silver maple, and a hybrid found in Ohio, a red maple-silver maple cross.

“Sugar and black maples produce sap with a high sugar content, which means less sap boiling,” Smith says. “But today’s technology can make some of the other species pretty competitive.”

The bootcamp will teach how to identify the different maple species, and will cover the differences between them when it comes to making syrup.

2. How to install a tap

“Proper tapping procedure minimizes the impact on the health of the tree,” Smith says. Most producers today use 20-volt cordless drills to drill their taps, she says, and the size of the bit and the depth of the hole both are critical. The bootcamp will cover them both, with the goal being that “you’re trying to tap without jeopardizing the health of the tree.”

3. How many taps to have

Producers have a rule of thumb for how many taps a tree should have. It’s based on the tree’s diameter when measured 4.5 feet off the ground. A bootcamp session will explain the rule and how and why to use it.

“You never want to overtap your trees, as the point is to not shorten their productive lifespan,” Smith says. “The more holes, broken branches, etc., a tree has, the more difficult it may be for the tree to produce the pressure needed to get the sap flowing.”

4. How and when sap flows

Temperatures dictate sap flow, Smith says. Nights in the 20s and days in the 40s are key. When the thermometer goes above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, pressure in the tree makes the sap flow. But if temps stay below 32, the likelihood of having the right pressure—enough to make the sap flow—is “slim,” Smith says.

Understanding sap flow and the role of temperature, set to be covered at the bootcamp, “will lead to a more successful season,” Smith says. She notes that “maple producers become weather fanatics when January rolls around.”

5. How to collect sap

Buckets, bags, and tubing are options when it comes to collecting sap. Having the sap go into a storage tank, or directly into the evaporator, also are choices to make. The bootcamp will help participants determine which methods are best for their own operation. Regardless, “Make sure that whatever collection container you use is food grade,” Smith says.

6. How to store and filter sap

Are you selling your syrup? Or is it only for home consumption? “That may make the difference in deciding whether to filter or not,” Smith says, adding also that “storage for raw sap is different than storage for processed syrup.” The bootcamp will look at the pros, cons, and differences among the options.

7. How to make value-added products

Maple syrup can be used for making a range of value-added products. A bootcamp session will explore the possibilities—from maple cream to maple candy to granulated maple sugar—and what it takes to produce them.

8. How to market what you make

“Knowing how you want to distribute what you make is key to a successful operation,” Smith says. Just for friends and family? Sold from the farm or at a farmers market or by arrangement in a local store? A bootcamp session will look at the options and what’s needed to carry them out.

Details and registration

The complete list of sessions and other details can be found in the event flier at go.osu.edu/maplebootcamp.

Registration for Maple Bootcamp: Ohio is $150. Participants can register using the form in the flier, or online at woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Registering ahead of time is required. The deadline to register is June 14.

Ohio State Mansfield is located about 80 miles south of Cleveland and 65 miles north of Columbus.

3-state effort

Along with Ohio State, CFAES, and SENR, the event co-hosts also include Penn State Extension and West Virginia’s Future Generations University (FGU).

The event is being funded by a grant to SENR, Penn State, and FGU from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Acer Access and Development Program. The grant aims to promote maple syrup production in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia through education and research.

Kurt Knebusch
For more information, contact:
Kathy Smith

Livestock News


Beef Cattle

Six new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1288 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter: http://u.osu.edu/beef/

While this week’s letter covers a variety of timely topics, don’t forget to go here and submit your question for Monday’s Beef Team LIVE!

Articles this week include:
* Cattlemen . . . There’s an App for That!
* Reduce the turning wheels, let the livestock do the harvest!
* Why Invest in Pregnancy Determination?
* Strategically Using Pregnancy Diagnosis to Identify Nonpregnant Cows
* What price values do live cattle futures and feeder cattle futures actually represent?
* Corn Acreage Down More Than Expected in Prospective Plantings Report

Small Ruminant


Basic Poultry Biosecurity

  • Prevent any contact with any animal, wild or domestic.
  • Keep your birds sheltered in animal-proof/bird-proof houses.
  • Avoid visitors to your flock
  • Use disposable gloves and shoe covers before you come in contact with your birds or their environment
  • Wash your hands before and after becoming in contact with your birds or their environment
  • Use dedicated clothes to work with your birds or use disposable coveralls.
  • Avoid using surface water (ponds or lakes) as a source of drinking water for your birds
  • Always use clean and disinfected water for birds’ drinking water
  • Acquire your feed from a reliable source and store it in a clean, dry, and cool place away from wild birds or wild animals access, particularly rodents.

OSU  Veterinary Medicine Avian Influenza Information

Contacting 811 before gardening – is it necessary?

For many, the excitement of the gardening season is on the horizon. New fences, landscaping, and plans for fruit and vegetable gardens are underway. As shovels and trowels are taken out of storage it’s important to make sure gardeners are protecting themselves and the buried assets supplying energy to their neighbors and community. A quick, free-to-call 811 allows utility operators to inform gardeners if there are utilities in the project area. Even non-invasive digging methods can cause damage.

Some utilities may only be located a few inches underground. Erosion and terrain modifications can change utility depth over time, and utilities don’t always run in a straight line. Utility locators have a duty to identify if a gas, water, electric, or telephone line is in your digging area. Don’t take the risk, contact 811 and make sure your gardening fun isn’t interrupted.

April is National Safe Digging Month and a great time to share safe digging messages like this one!

Join us for “Beef Team Live” on April 11

Ask a Beef Team member your question now!

The 2022 OSU Extension Beef Team’s Virtual Beef School series concludes on April 11 with a Live roundtable featuring the Team’s members. Beginning at 6 p.m. that evening participants will have the opportunity to ask the Extension Beef Team their beef cattle management questions and receive responses live throughout the webinar broadcast.

While members of the Team will accept questions throughout the virtual broadcast, you are also encouraged to submit questions in advance of the 11th by following this link to a simple “Ask your question” survey.

If you’ve not yet registered to participate in the 2022 Virtual Beef School sessions, including BEEF Team Live on April 11, go here now: http://go.osu.edu/beefschool22

Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day with this very tree focused webinar – Top 15 Trees for the Landscape

Friday, April 22nd 10 am – 12:00 pm

Join Secrest Arboretum Curator Jason Veil for this webinar that will highlight the top performers at Secrest, from old favorites and unsung gems to newer introductions. Trees are the verdant backbone of our forests, landscapes, and neighborhoods. Botanical gardens like Secrest Arboretum exist to conserve and showcase their amazing diversity.  Explore some of those amazing trees with Jason during our webinar.

Registration is available here

ISA credits are available.  SAF applied for.