
Wednesday Women in Ag Webinar – Demystifying Wine and Food Pairings

Join us on December 4, 2024, for the next session on…

Demystifying Wine and Food Pairing

Join Todd Steiner where he will help demystify wine etiquette and cover basic principles of what wines pair well with certain foods. Principals covered will help you feel more relaxed and confident in having friends over for a fun and enjoyable wine and food pairing event.

Register at this link one time for all the series.

The 2024 Series will be on the 1st WEDNESDAY of each month. 10:30 am 11:30 am

Via Zoom Platform

Farmer and Farmland Owner Tax Webinar

The December Edition of Farm Office Live will be a special edition focused on tax issues. This webinar will be held on December 6th from 10am to noon.

Are you a farmer or farmland owner wanting to learn more about the recent income tax law changes and proposals? If so, join OSU Extension Educators Barry Ward, Jeff Lewis, Robert Moore and David Marrison as they discuss issues related to farmer and farmland owner tax returns, tax planning in a low income/drought year, CAUV and property tax, the Residual Fertility Deduction and other income tax issues that may affect farmers and farmland owners for the 2024 tax season and beyond.

This two-hour program will be presented in a live webinar format via Zoom. Individuals who operate farms, own property, or are involved with renting farmland are encouraged to participate.

Register for this free webinar at

This Farmer and Farmland Owner Tax Webinar will focus on a number of tax issues listed here:

  • Farm Economy and Tax Planning
  • Tax Planning in Low Income/Drought Years
  • Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting
  • Pending Sunset of Larger Estate Tax Exclusion Amount (Unified Credit)
  • Residual Fertility/Fertilizer Deduction
  • Clean Fuel Production Credit (I.R.C. § 45Z)
  • Current Ag Use Valuation (CAUV) Changes in 2024
  • IRC § 45Q – Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration
  • Farm Loan Immediate Relief Under Inflation Reduction Act: Income Tax Options Triggered by Corrected 1099s
  • Taxability of USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Awards
  • Pending Expiration (Sunsetting) of other Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Provisions

Presenters include: Barry Ward, David Marrison, Jeff Lewis and Robert Moore.

Basics of Grain Marketing

Registration is now open for the Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop, January 16 & 17, 2025, at the OSU Extension Champaign County Office in Urbana, Ohio.  This in-person workshop offers education and farm-ready strategies on topics such as basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed price, hedging, storage, and overviews on options, spreads, and crop insurance.  It’s “more than a 2-day workshop”, featuring pre-workshop activities on calculating grain cost of production and measure of risk comfort. The workshop will include grain marketing basics, applications, and activities, plus a panel of industry professionals.  A post-workshop grain marketing peer group will be offered to strengthen learning and bring it into action with webinar updates.  The workshop has 50 limited seats.

Expert instructors: Seungki Lee, The Ohio State University; Grant Gardner, University of Kentucky; and Ben Brown, University of Missouri.  Hotel block rate deadline: December 15, 2024.  Workshop registration deadline: January 3, 2025.  For more information and registration, visit

This workshop is made possible by the support of grower checkoff dollars via the Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio Corn & Wheat. It is led by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio State University Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute.

2024 Southwest Ohio Corn Grower Yield Trial Data for Corn

2024 Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Yield Trial Data results for the corn. There is a PDF version with the planting and harvesting information included and an Excel sheet with the actual sorted data. The QR code will take you to the website, where this data is also available to download and/or share. The soybean data is in the final stages of completion and will be available very soon.

Register for Water Quality Wednesdays!

Home | CFAES Water Quality Initiative

The Water Quality Team’s fifth annual webinar series, Water Quality Wednesdays, is back for 2025! We will be hosting three webinars on the last Wednesday of the month from January to March. These webinars will focus on the interaction between agriculture and water quality and offer CCA and CLM continuing education credits. See the attached flyer for more information on the series, and stay tuned for more information as we get closer to January! Please share with your networks. Register at!

2025 WQW Series Flyer

2024 Fall Weeds University

Ohio State’s Weeds University Program – Regional Locations

November 5, 2024: Statewide — OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional at the Fall 2024 Ohio State Weeds University on Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The program will take place at six locations across the state. Locations include Darke, Highland, Sandusky, Licking, Paulding, and Mahoning counties. This program is designed to keep agronomic crop producers on the cutting edge of weed control for their operations. Topics addressed will include preharvest weeds survey results, drone applications of herbicides, burcucumber control, new herbicides, and new technology in weed science. Hands-on exercises such as weed ID with live plants will also be part of the program and tailored to local needs. This is an in-person event, and a portion of the presentations will be broadcast virtually at each regional location.

Featured presentations and speakers include:

  • Drone Applications – Dr. Steve Li, Associate Professor & Weed Science Extension Specialist, Auburn University. Dr. Li’s research evaluates weed control and herbicide usage in agronomic and emerging crops, as well as herbicide drift and off-target injury. His research program is also a nationwide leader in evaluating drones for agricultural applications.
  • Burcucumber Control – Dwight Lingenfelter, Weed Science Extension Associate, Penn State University. Mr. Lingenfelter works in Extension and applied weed science research at Penn State, including the herbicide evaluation program. He has conducted some of the most comprehensive research on the management of burcucumber, a species that is now a reemerging threat to crop production in Ohio.
  • Ohio Agronomic Weeds Update—Dr. Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor and weed Science Extension Specialist at Ohio State University. Dr. Essman leads an applied research and extension program for integrated weed management in agronomic crops. This talk will cover new herbicide products and EPA/ESA regulations for the coming growing season.
  • New Technology in Weed Science—Dr. Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology, Ohio State University. Dr. Law’s research program is focused on weed science and ecology and precision technology for novel integrated weed management. This talk will cover new and emerging technology options for weed management and their relative efficacy.

The registration fee per person is $40 and is due by November 14, 2024. This fee includes course materials and speaker Q&A sessions. On-site walk-ins are not available for this event, and each site is limited to a maximum of 30 people. Commercial, Private Pesticide, and Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits will be available. For a link to the county registrations, go to For additional information on the event, contact the educator in the county in which you are attending:

  • Sarah Noggle at for the Paulding County event
  • Caden Buschur at for the Darke County event
  • Ty Hamilton at for the Highland County event.
  • Al Gahler at for the Sandusky County event
  • Dean Kreager at for the Licking County event
  • Haley Shoemaker at for the Mahoning County event

Event Flyer

Registration is LIVE for Ohio Maple Days

Friday December 6th we will be offering a Legacy Planning workshop on transition and estate planning featuring Ohio State University’s own David Marrison and Robert Moore.  While this workshop is a part of Ohio Maple Days, it is open to any landowner who wants to participate.  So please consider registering yourself, but also please share this great opportunity with family, friends, and neighbors regardless of whether they are a maple producer or not.  Registration is available here.

Saturday December 7th is a day for everything maple.  Topics this year include an expert panel on filtering, cost share programs, managing a timber sale, marketing for producers and a grading and tasting session to name a few.  Visit with vendors and enjoy a maple themed lunch.  It is always a grand time – Registration is available here.

Register Now for the January 9-10 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

Register Now for the January 9-10 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

Registration is open for the 3rd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference, January 9-10, 2025, at Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Sandusky, Ohio. The conference offers programming for experienced organic growers, growers transitioning to or considering organic, and consultants or educators who support these growers.

“Attendance last year was encouraging,” says conference director Eric Richer. “There’s a growing interest in organic production and practices. We’re pleased to move to a larger venue that allows organic farm equipment on display at our trade show and more room for concurrent sessions and networking.”

Featured speakers for 2025 include Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin-Madison State Extension Specialist in Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems; Damon DeSutter of DeSutter Farms in Attica, Ind.; Osler Ortez, Ohio State Corn and Emerging Crops Specialist; and Sophie Rivest-Auger, Organic Field Crop Advisor for Quebec’s Centre for Expertise and Transfer in Organic and Local Agriculture.

Additional farmers, researchers, and educators from Ohio and beyond will round out two full days of agronomic and farm management sessions. Topics for this year include interseeding cover crops in organic corn, flame cultivation, the use of biological products in organic production, setting up weed control equipment for success, nitrogen credits from cover crops and manure, and a market end users panel.

The conference is presented by Ohio State University Extension’s Farm Office and Ohio State’s Organic Food & Farming Education and Research (OFFER) program. The event also receives input from a planning committee of Ohio State staff and researchers, educators from organic non-profits, and organic farmers, including Bridget Burgess. Burgees is the current president of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s Organic Grain Growers Chapter, and head of seed cleaning, compost operations, and sales at Hirzel Farms, in Luckey, Ohio. She especially encourages growers new to organic to attend the January event.

“Any entry level organic or transitioning farmer would definitely benefit from time listening and networking with the growers at this conference,” says Burgess. “These are growers who were doing organic before it was cool,” she adds.

Pre-registration is $140 per person through December 6, and $175 from December 7 through January 3. Continuing education credits will be available for Certified Crop Advisors. For more information, visit


The Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference

November 13, 2024 @ Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center

 Is your community dealing with wildlife issues? If so, this conference is designed for you.

Join Ohio community leaders and planners for a conference focused on the role of local government in managing human-wildlife conflict. This year’s topics include Addressing Wildlife Feeding Issues in Municipalities, Social Media Strategies for Wildlife Professionals, the Value of Green Spaces, Q&A with a Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operator, and Human versus Wildlife…Or is it?

 Registration is now open – HERE

$45 for the day – buffet lunch and materials included.

 Join our email list to receive updates on our annual conference and wildlife conflict resources.

Visit our website for more info.