We are looking for highly motivated and talented researchers including postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the fields of Immunology, Cancer Immunotherapy, Biology, or Epigenetics.

Postdoctoral Scholars:

Applicants are expected to have an excellent track record with expertise in one or multiple areas mentioned above. The ideal applicant should be highly motivated, creative, energetic and have an interest in multi-disciplinary research with the goal of translating novel findings into therapeutic strategies. Those interested should contact Dr. Hazem Ghoneim with a single PDF file containing 1-page cover letter describing your research interests and accomplishments, your CV, and names of 2-3 references.

Graduate Students:

Applicants are expected to conduct research projects in the fields of Immunology, Cancer Immunotherapy, and Biomedical research. The competitive candidates must be highly motivated, creative, and have academic achievements in a major field of Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or a closely related discipline. Prospective students, or students who are interested in lab rotations, should contact Dr. Hazem Ghoneim with your CV attached.