Organization and Scheduling

I feel the need to make my life more organized through proper scheduling. In the future, I will stay on top of all of my projects so that I will not miss assignments and will receive better grades. I will do this by using the following resources:

Trello is a resource that allows people to organize their projects. One of the strengths of Trello is orgainzing projects into seperate categorize such as “To Do”, “Doing”, “Done”, and “Resources.” It is a great way to manage multiple projects at the same time. A weakness of Trello is it is difficult to keep up with and continue updating.

Image result for wiley online library

“Timetables and Scheduling: On the Social Organization of Time” by Eviatar Zerubavel is an academic jounal article found in the Wiley Online Library. One of the strengths of this article is analyzing timetables and scheduling in depth. One of the weaknesses of this article is that it is not very recent. The article was published in 1976 and therefore, is not very up to date.

Mind Tools

“Effective Scheduling” by Mind Tools is an online article which highlights the importance of proper scheduling. A strength of this article is breaking down individual steps to make a useful schedule. A weakness of this article is creating overgeneralizations. The article makes it seem like everyone has the same problems, but in reality, everyone has their own unique difficulties when trying to become more organized.