Online Listening and Viewing

It is very important to develop good note taking when learning online. One example of something that I have already put into practice is printing out the Powerpoint slides if they have been posted before the lecture. I print out the slides before class so that I can review them and add additional notes while in lecture. This has gone well for me and has allowed me to take thorough, useful notes. Another idea that I could put into practice in the future is using a template while taking notes. I might try dividing my paper into sections. Using this strategy, I can categorize what the lecturer says as well as my own thoughts and reflections. These sections could include cues to help me remember information, examples to help me practice, questions to test myself, and summaries of the key points. The advice I would give to students, based off of what I have experienced, is to test out different note taking strategies and figure out which one works best for you. The is no single “correct” way to take notes because everyone learns differently, which is why testing out all options is a good idea.