Online Reading and Studying

It is vital to develop good strategies for reading online if you want academic success. One example of something learned in this class that I have already put into practice is removing all distractions from a study environment before beginning to read online. I always make sure to find a nice, quiet study space to read in so that I will not become distracted. This has gone well for me, which is why I am normally able to read online effectively. Other ideas from this module that I could put into practice in the future include scanning a text before reading and summarizing a section after reading. I do not usually apply these ideas while reading online because it slows down the reading process. I should change my reading strategies and apply these ideas so that I will better understand what I have read. If I read a section and realize I can not summarize it, then I haven’t retained the information and I need to “reread the section, increase [my] focus, or take a break.” The advice I would give to students, based off of what I have experienced, is to do online reading thoroughly, at a pace that will allow information to be retained, instead of just rushing through the reading.