
This semester I had the chance to go to my first Buckeyethon at the Ohio Union and it was an incredible experience. My goal when I went tho Buckeyethon was to stay the whole 12 hour shift that I had signed up for. I was a part of the HSS team and I was decked out in all purple! One of my favorite things about this experience was that I signed up for this event and had no friends going into it and leaving after the full 12 hours i had gained so many friends! I mean what an experience to share with someone, dancing for 12 hours for such a great cause! I will be doing Buckeyethon again in the years to come!


One event that i really enjoyed this year was the OUAB spring concert. I got a chance to go to the Columbus Commons (a place i did not even know existed). It was such a fun experience to get on the busses with all my friends and get a chance to witness Martin Garrix live and knowing that all of it was FREE! Going to this concert was one of the most memorable experiences I had in the SP16 semester!