
In my opinion, GOALS is structured so that we as students get the full experience in college. It allows us to stay on track as a student, while allowing us to disperse into all aspects we should engage in. GOALS is needed to plan not only in the now, but also in the future. It helps build character in ourselves, and break from the norms. Knowledge is then enhanced because we aren’t only focused on academics, but also culture, the environment, ourselves, and our future.

Academics is one of the main reasons we’re all here. To get a great gpa, move on forward. However, when applying yourself, that is not all that people look for in a person. Building leadership is a prominent feature that can be found in each of the terms. Leadership is found in your academics, extracurriculars, service, community, and in the world. To make an impact you have to have leadership skills, and that will get you to where you need to go.

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