Problem Area: Keeping balance on exercise machines and during physical activities.
User Need: User needs to be able to maintain their balance while performing different exercise activities.
Solution Goal: More support, weighted to compensate for different center of balance.
Problem Area: User is only able to stabilize themselves with one hand.
User Need: User needs to be stable during exercises with the use of one hand.
Solution Goal: More areas to stabilize, more support for user.
Problem Area: Exercises and machines performed with one hand that often require two hands can be unsafe for the user.
User Need: User needs exercise equipment and activities that are safe to use with one hand.
Solution Goal: More handles for gripping during different exercises.
Bar Exercises
Problem Area: It is difficult for users to perform bar exercises. User is not able to grasp the bar as well and cannot perform bar exercises that are heavier or require two hands.
User Need: User needs a way to successfully do bar exercises with the use of one hand for both balancing and stability.
Solution Goal: Bars with center grips for ease of use with one hand. Shorter and weighted bars.
Weight/Machine Setup
Problem Area: It is difficult to adjust weight machines because they are created for two hand use. When doing bar exercises really heavy weights are placed at the end of each bar and adding/carrying these weights is almost impossible with one hand.
User Need: User needs a way to adjust weight machines to the proper height/weight with one hand. User also needs to be able to add larger circular weights onto the end of bars with one hand.
Solution Goal: Easy way to adjust machine. Extra strength and safe way to add onto ends of weights.