Year in Review

My Second Year at Ohio State has been full of new experiences and growth opportunities for me. From participating in various activities as a member of the Business Scholars Program, to making the Dean’s list this year, to volunteering around campus, to taking a leadership role in my sorority, I have had an incredible and meaningful academic year.


Community service is something I care deeply about and make a conscious effort to engage in as much as I can. This year I volunteered on Fisher Impact Day with Clean Up Columbus, on Martin Luther King Day of Service at the Central Community House in Columbus, at a food pantry at a church in downtown Columbus, and did service work and helped raise money for my sorority’s philanthropy Make-A-Wish. The first two pictures featured in this post are of me and a group of friends volunteering at Fisher Impact Day, and of the shirt I received for volunteering on Martin Luther King Day of Service. I think it is extremely important to volunteer because it is a humbling experience and has helped me feel like I am making a difference in other people’s lives and in my community. I will continue to do community service throughout my time at OSU, and after I graduate too.


The main experience that has helped me grow as both a leader and an individual is when I took on a leadership role on the Executive Board of my sorority Chi Omega as the Director of Programming. I am head of a 30-person committee called Cardinal Cabinet, which runs all of the programming and events for our sorority. We have seven main Directors: Sisterhood, Social, Marketing, Apparel, Career and Personal Development, Campus Activities, and Philanthropy, each with chairs beneath them. I run meetings with the Directors; serve as the communication liaison between the Directors, the rest of my Executive Board, and our adult Advisors; and I approve and oversee the process of planning, executing, and reflecting on all of the events and activities that our Sorority puts on.


From my five strengths that I listed out on the “About Me” section of this page, I have really gotten to foster my strength of Developer in my leadership position. Helping all of the Cardinal Cabinet Directors grow and be successful is one of my main objectives as the Director of Programming. I make sure to offer as much assistance and support to each Director while they are brainstorming ideas for events, as well as actually planning and executing them. I also challenge them to come up with new concepts for events that we have never done before to keep things fresh and exciting, and to think of creative ways to announce their events to the rest of the chapter to boost morale and attendance. The third picture featured in this post is one of me and the rest of the Executive Board during a Leadership Conference we had in February.