We’re finally done! It’s weird thinking that we won’t have anymore FEH ever, but it’s been a good run. We had our highs and we had our lows, but we made it to the end, and we did it well! As a team, we would like to thank Dr. Deb, Andy, Pearl, Gabe, Ani, and Cary, all of our awesome FEH classmates, and above all, each other. We made it work, and that’s what counts!
Author: jallaq.25
The End is Near
It’s hard to believe that the semester is almost over! All of our work is pretty much done, and all we have left is the nano presentation. It’s been a lot of work, but the whole team has been pretty great and everyone learned a lot! The end of this journey is near, and it’s going to be a bittersweet goodbye.
Oral Report Aftermath
It was quite a show…
Crunch time is finally here! We have less than a week until our Micro Oral Report is due, and we just got our final data point today. We have a lot of work ahead of us with calculations, analyses, and conclusions, but we’re up to the challenge! Nano is going well too, but we haven’t quite reached panic mode with that yet so we’ll see what happens. It’s all good for now, but one of us might end up insane by the end of the semester… ONLY 5 CLASS DAYS LEFT INCLUDING THE MICRO ORAL REPORT DAY AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
News, News, News
So we’re finally in the fun stuff. Wednesday in class, we had a super interesting group conversation about what to do for our nanolyser. It was pretty much all about how we could design a nanolyser that can detect cancer, but we covered a lot of material, different detection methods, and somehow our conversation ended up with the discussion of what we are really trying to do with this project and what the end goal is. It was fun to hear what everyone had to say, and it will be interesting to see what we end up going with!
Hey There!
Welcome to Team Y2’s Online Notebook! Here you will find copies and records of our team and team members, our design process and schedule, our meeting agendas and minutes, and anything else relevant to our prerogative of winning this year’s FEH Nanotechnology Competition! Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, and we hope you enjoy our page!