

The SDP project required groups to produce functional games programmed in Matlab. As a group, we choose to program the games Craps, 7 under 7, and Knockout. We broke down the games into an algorithm and used the algorithm to then program the games. We tested the games under a series of conditions, until they functioned properly. Based off of our experience with the SDP project, there are a few tips we would recommend to future groups. The first tip, would be to choose the games that are interesting and challenging, because this project spans over the course of a few weeks so it’s important to remain interested and excited about the chosen games. The next tip, would be to write very detailed algorithms. This will be very helpful when writing the program, because the algorithm will basically guide you line for line, and will prevent confusion or preventable mistakes. The last tip, would be to communicate effectively with your teammates. Having 4 people programming the same games and facilitating the completion of  the other SDP assignments can be tough to navigate. However if the lines of communication are clear from day 1 and each teammate is willing to fulfill their responsibilities to the group, this project should be manageable and enjoyable.


As a group, we decided to focus on creating dice games.The chosen games were Craps, 7 under 7 and Knockout.The process of creating the games started off by writing the purpose of each game and then developing an algorithm that broke down the games into small simple steps. Next, using the algorithm, we determined when a loop would be necessary, when to ask the user for input and what conditions were needed to exit the games.  The code was then written in small sections based off of the steps of the algorithm. Then the code was put together and tested under a multitude of different conditions such as, ‘ What happens if the user enters a bid of zero?’, or ‘What happens if a negative bid amount is entered?’, or ‘Will the user be able to exit the game when they please?’. Testing the games several times was very important in order to determine the games overall functionality, and it allowed the programs to be tweaked until they games ran properly.