The Blackjack Software Design Project provided the group with a vast learning experience on multiple levels. Firstly, developing the code allowed for honing on writing functions skills, while-end loops, for-loops, if-else and if-elseif statements, and various nested loop – branching method combinations. The encountered challenges with writing an error-free software allowed to develop creative code snippet testing techniques, as well as reinforced the use of the debugger feature built in MATLAB. The GUI supporting code snippets provided in the course material required writing and testing many experimental code fragments, which would allow the “sprite” card graphics to function properly. Secondly, many things could be learned after the Blackjack game was completed and running. The group realized, that although within the allotted time for the project it was possible to create a fully functional, casino variant of the game, with quite impressive GUI features, many features could have been added to the game to further improve its functionality and user overall experience. For example, if more time time were allotted, options like side betting, hand splitting could have been added to make the game more interesting. Even better user interface could be developed allowing for different input options, for example, a mouse or a mouse / keyboard combination instead of just keyboard. A sound background option and sound effects could also be incorporated. Despite of this “room for improvement” this project highlighted the ability for the team to work together, to successfully progress through multiple areas of difficulty along the process, to learn together and to provide mutual support in order to overcome any encountered obstacle and to achieve an end product that exceeds expectations.