G. Conclusions and Recommendations

The Software Design Project is a perfect way to test our knowledge from ENGR 1181. Also, it motivates us to reach out the further knowledge what we want. Based on what we learned from class, we get used to coding in MATLAB, so it enables us to look for more functions and use them as well in our project. From this project, I realized that MATLAB could be used for everything that we want to create as engineers. It broadens our perspective for coding.  However, we went through a lot of errors and trouble-shootings. It was not easy to convert our logic to codes. To code from the algorithm, we created more variables and loops.  This process helped us improve our logical thinking in MATLAB.

To make this Hangman be better, I would like to add a function that automatically closes the drawing and message box whenever they make a guess. The players have to close them by click for now. By adding the function, the players will have more accessibility to play it.