C. Project Schedule


The project schedule includes all the tasks that have to be done, starting date, finished date, due date, the person who was in charge, estimated work time and status of the work done.

Thing to do Starting Date Finish Date Due Date Person in Charge Estimated Time Work Done
Create u. osu.edu Account Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Entire Team 1hr 100%
Initial Decision on games Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Entire Team 30min 100%
Identify Users/ User interview #1 Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Oct/31/19 Entire Team 30min 100%
Team Working Agreement Nov/6/19 Nov/6/19 Nov/7/19


Entire Team 1hr 100%
Individual Responsibility Agreement Nov/6/19 Nov/6/19 Nov/7/19


Entire Team 1hr 100%
Flow chart/Pseudocode

-Black Jack-

Nov/6/19 Nov/6/19 Nov/7/19


JP 1hr 30min 100%
Flow chart/Pseudocode

-Wheel of Fortune-

Nov/6/19 Nov/7/19 Nov/7/19 Owen Jin 1hr 30min 100%
Flow chart/Pseudocode


Nov/7/19 Nov/7/19 Nov/7/19


Eric Song 1hr 30min 100%
User interview #2 Nov/10/19 Nov/10/19 Nov/14/19 Entire Team 30min 100%
Draft Power Point Slides Nov/12/19 Nov/12/19 Nov/14/19 Entire Team 3hrs 100%
Final Software Design Project plan Nov/18/19 Nov/21/19 Nov/21/19 Entire Team 1hr 100%
Notebook Nov/21/19 Nov/30/19 Dec/2/19 Entire Team 2days 100%
SDP video Dec/1/19 Dec/1/19 Dec/2/19 Entire Team 3hrs 100%