
Game Play:

Creating: All below either create matrices or arrays

guessBoard – keeps track of user guess spots so they can’t be guessed twice through a matrix

guessBoardcomp – keeps track of computer guesses so a spot can’t be guessed twice through a matrix

posInput – defines the valid inputs the user can have when guessing a spot through an array

Guesses: All below deal with the guesses of the user and computer

guess_x – defines the user’s row guess

guess_y – defines the user’s column guess

compGuess_x – defines the computer’s row guess

compGuess_y – defines the computer’s column guess

Sound Effects: All below deal with creating the sound effects   

hitSound – loads and stores the hit sound file

song_HitSound – plays the hit sound

sinkSound – loads and stores the sink sound file

song_SinkSound – plays the sink sound

missSound – loads and stores the miss sound file

song_MissSound – plays the miss sound

applause – loads and stores the applause sound file

song_applause – plays the applause sound

Transitions: All below are used to transition from one form to another (array to singular number or for easier use in a loop)

a – defines the logical value of if the user’s row guess is a valid one

b – defines the logical value of if the user’s column guess is a valid one

connect – defines the array of 1 and 0 to see if the ship is still alive

connect2 – defines the array of 1 and 0 to see if any ship is still alive

connect3 – defines the array of 1 and 0 to see if the user’s ship is still alive

connect4 – defines the array of 1 and 0 to see if any user ships are still alive

Messages: All below are used in the creation of the dialog boxes

error1 – defines the error box pertaining to an invalid row guess from the user

error2 – defines the error box pertaining to an invalid column guess from the user

error3 – defines the error box pertaining to when the user guesses a spot they are already guessed

HitMsg – defines the message box pertaining to when the user hits a ship

SunkMsg – defines the message box pertaining to when the user sinks a ship

MissMsg – defines the message box pertaining to when the user misses a ship

WinMsg – defines the message box pertaining to when the user wins the game

CreepMsg – defines the message box pertaining to when the computer starts its turn

HitMsg2 – defines the message box pertaining to when the computer hits a ship

SunkMsg2 – defines the message box pertaining to when the computer sinks a ship

MissMsg2 – defines the message box pertaining to when the computer misses a ship

WinMsg2 – defines the message box pertaining to when the computer wins the game

child – defines the aspects of any dialog box so the ‘ok’ button can be deleted

AI: All below are needed for the computer AI

Turn – defines what turn the game is on

Prev_lastHit – holds the value of last hit from the previous turn

lastHit – defines whether the shot from the last turn was a hit

newHit – defines whether the hit from last turn was a new hit (0 consecutive hits)

ship_sunk_last_turn – defines if the computer sunk a ship last turn or not

Other: All below don’t belong to a specific category

END – defines when the large while loop should be operating or not

ship – defines which ship was hit by the user

aliveShip – defines whether the ship is sunk (0) or not sunk (1)

end_of_game – defines whether the user sunk all of the computer ships and won the game

ship2 – defines the user’s ship the computer hit

aliveShip2 – defines whether the ship2 is sunk (0) or not (1)

end_of_game2 – defines whether the computer sunk all of the user’s ships and won the game


computerTurn.m – AI Decision Function

Persistent Variables

These variables will hold their states between function runs. This allows the function to have a feedback loop for deciding the next output.

prev_shot: Holds the value of the previous shot output by the function

initial_hit: Holds the value of the initial hit if we find a new first hit

prev_dir: Holds the previous direction fired in (initialized as 0)

prev_hlt_state: Holds the previous state of hit_last_turn. This allows us to find whether we ran off a ship or not.


game_board: Holds the “guess” board for the current game. The game board should be a 10×10 of 0 and 1, with 1 for guess.

turn: Current turn

hit_last_turn: Holds whether we had a hit last turn

new_hit: Holds whether we had a hit last turn that was non-consecutive (0 previous hits)

ship_sunk_last_turn: Holds whether we sunk a ship last turn


final_x, final_y: X and Y variables to output


Setup & Board Display

A – Stored initial input values of the Ship Direction

B – Stored initial input values of the Ship Row

C – Stored initial input values of the Ship Column

h – Input value to indicate horizontal direction

H – Input value to indicate horizontal direction

v – Input value to indicate vertical direction

V – Input value to indicate vertical direction

i – number of ships in loop for initialization process

j –  number of ships in loop for picture process

K – Ship type

ShipColumn – C rounded down to nearest whole number

ShipDirection – A rounded down to nearest whole number

ShipRow – B rounded down to nearest whole number

PLoc – Matrix of user’s inputs containing K, ShipColumn, ShipRow, and ShipDirection

OLoc- Matrix created by Setup.m that contains ShipType, ShipOr, row, and column for each.

Occupied – Occupied matrix for player ships

OppOcu – Occupied matrix of opponent ships

column- variable denoting column of the opponent ship

row- variable denoting row of  the opponent ship

ShipType – indicates which ship the program is on

ShipLen – Assigns each ship with appropriate length

BodLen – Length of the body of each individual ship

ShipOr – Orientation of each ship

ShipFront – Variable for picture of front of ship

ShipBody – Variable for picture of body of ship

ShipBack – Variable for picture of back of ship

Opponent_Board – image matrix that shows an empty board

Player_Board – image matrix that shows players ships on a board

Boat_FrontBack_1 -image for the back of vertical ships

Boat_FrontBack_1_hit – image for hit marker put on the back of vertical ships

Boat_FrontBack_2 – image for the front of vertical ships

Boat_FrontBack_2_hit – image for hit marker put on the front of vertical ships

Boat_FrontBack_3 – image for the front of horizontal ships

Boat_FrontBack_3_hit – image for hit marker put on the front of horizontal ships

Boat_FrontBack_4 – image for the back of horizontal ships

Boat_FrontBack_4_hit – image for hit marker put on the back of horizontal ships

Boat_Mid_hor – image for the body of horizontal ships

Boat_Mid_hor_hit – image for hit marker put on the body of horizontal ships

Boat_Mid_vert – image for the body of vertical ships

Boat_Mid_vert_hit – image for hit marker put on the body of vertical ships