Meeting Notes

We met every class period and a couple of times outside of class towards the end of the project

November 1

All: Decided on the game battleship, with the goal of doing memory as our second game. We started dividing up parts of battleship (Jackson has initialization; Charlie has board and picture set up; Ryan has game play; and Zach has AI/computer turn) and starting flowcharts

November 8

Jackson and Charlie: Continued finalizing flowcharts and tried to start coding

Ryan: Conducted the user interview #1 and then worked on code

Zach: Set up and formatted u.osu site and then worked on code

November 9

All: Continued working on individual codes

November 13

All: Continued working on individual codes

November 15

All: Continued working on individual codes

November 16

All: Continued working on individual codes. We decided that codes should be finished around the 24th and that after Thanksgiving we should be able to put it all together and test. Also decided we wouldn’t have time for a second game and should concentrate on just battleship.

November 27

All: made a list of everyone’s jobs for documentation, and then we started testing and putting everyone’s sections together.

November 29

All: We started debugging and met outside of class to fix the red/white dot imaging and the fact that we needed two extra boards to be able to find if a ship was sunk, and if the game was over or not.

November 30

All: met in class to do the final testing and made sure everything worked. We had a minor bug with the ship boards and ship imaging that we quickly fixed and then tested for a grade. We lost points for robustness because of the error if the user forcefully closes any dialog boxes.

December 3

Ryan: rerecorded game testing part

Jackson and Charlie: found picture for use in the video

Zach: edited and finalized the video

December 4

All: Finalized parts of documentation and uploaded everything to the u.osu site