Conclusions and Rescommendations

The final version of the game runs all the way through and has a smart computer player. The game has a good user interface that informs the user of what they can and cannot do. However, there are still a two noticeable bugs in the game. The first bug shows up randomly on certain computers and causes an error message to pop up and end the game. This bug seems to result from the computer’s decision making code. The second bug is a minor one: sometimes the computer AI will give up on guessing a pattern after hitting a ship and just guess randomly again. This bug is pretty rare, however it does take away from some of the competitive nature of the game. Our group is very proud of the final version of the game even with these two bugs.

It would be recommended to any group attempting this game in the future to plan a bit more ahead of time. Each person’s individual responsibilities covered separate sections of the game, however this did lead to some confusion when one person was using another person’s code for their own and was unaware of what variables did what. There were not too many complications other than that, likely due to our group staying in contact throughout the project in order to make sure things were going smoothly. Creating battleship does take a lot of time, so it would be recommended to do a small 2 point game along side of it that could be completed in a few days. If we were to do the SDP again we would likely just choose to do 2 smaller games worth 3 points each.