Team Working Agreement

Team Working Agreement

Term Autumn 2018

Creation 08/27/18


1)  Group Identification

Table # – Q

Instructor – Dr. Ratcliff

Team Name – Fritos


2)  Primary Means of Communication and Expectations


We will be communicating through the group chat we set up in GroupMe. We are all required to check said group chat at least once a day and must try to respond in under a day.


3)  Scheduling of Meetings


Meetings will be scheduled and set up through the group chat. Most often we will meet on the first floor of Drackett Tower where we all presently reside. In order to have a meeting, at least 3 group members must be present or if working in teams, then at least 2 people from that team must be present.



Agenda Format

Team Name:

Meeting Schedule:

Date: Time: Location:

Participating members (If not all.):







4)  General Responsibilities for All Team Members


  • Do assigned work on time to the best of your ability
  • Stay on task
  • Communicate all changes to labs/projects to EVERY groupmate
  • Notify other group members ASAP if your work can’t/won’t be completed in time


5)  Specific Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines (If applicable)


  • Jackson will be the GroupMe leader, in charge of setting up events through the group chat and making sure everyone is notified
  • Further responsibilities will be determined and then added to this document


6)  Conflict Resolution


  1. Discuss problems within the group to come to a working solution
  2. If no unanimous decision can be reached, the majority vote wins
  3. If minority still doesn’t agree/is adamant about their idea/position, professor, GTA, or TA will be consulted with their decision/advice being final


7)  Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s


If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment.  Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.



8) Team Signatures

Ryan Burrows

Zachary DelVecchio

Jackson McClellan

Charlie Ringler