Welcome Page: Executive Summary


The purpose of the Software Design Project was to allow students to show what they’ve learned in MATLAB throughout the semester in a fun and creative project. The objective of the project as a whole was to creatively utilize the team’s engineering 1181 coding skills to design and create various games in the MATLAB software, as well as document and present our data and related assignments through a customized u.osu.edu website. All of the games created by each group were assigned point values and graded accordingly based on how complicated the coding was and the difficulty of the game. Each group had to make at least two points worth of games.

Early on, we conducted interviews of two separate Teaching Assistants for inspiration on some commonly appreciated game we could try and code. The games our group decided to code initially were Hangman and Euchre. Nate and Rob completed a pseudo code for Hangman and Euchre. The team started to run into difficulty when the codeing began to become more in-depth. Both teams could only encrypt about half of each game before the difficulty of coding and creating games from scratch came into play. With different issues and errors in the coding the team decided to switch games. In the end, Ryan created the game of over/under seven and Peyton created the game of blackjack.

Ultimately the code was completed for both over/under seven and blackjack, and the code for both games ran relatively well for the in class demonstration. The team created four points worth of games in MATLAB. After the completion and testing of our two games, the team created a video presentation to talk about our games and demonstrate how they work and run. The team also developed a print advertisement to help attract potential customers to the games.

In conclusion, the team created two games worth four points to complete the Software Design Project. The team worked together and collaborated well as a group for the entirety of the project. The programers implemented loops, conditional statements, image importation, vectors, and everything else we learned in 1181 to create two functioning games. All of these aspects of coding came together in the end to produce the desired outputs. In the end, the games worked well, and the team was able to apply a the knowledge gained throughout the semester to complete the Software Development Project.

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