G. Conclusions and Recommendations


After the successful demonstration of the game in class on the final testing day, the over/under seven game was deemed very successful. Ryan and Rob originally were tasked with creating the game euchre, but eventually decided that was to difficult to code. Ryan then opted to create the over/under seven game. He successfully utilized the given files and his own created code to develop a high functioning game of over/under seven. The code proved to high functioning when it was tested. The test users were able to interact with our game easily, make bets, and guess the amount displayed on the dice. There were not any issues with this relatively simple and straightforward game. However, the game was complex enough to prove the increase in knowledge of the team from the information gained in the Fundamentals of Engineering 1181 course. The team recommends that new students in this class plan out the games they wish to code more throughly. The games worth higher point values are much harder to code than some of the simpler games. It is more practical to create a high functioning game with a lesser point value then an improperly coded game worth a higher value.


The team determined that the target consumers would want a high functioning card game to play. Originally the game of euchre was chosen but it was swiftly replaced by blackjack. The blackjack code was not as simple as the code created for over/under seven and this was displayed during the final testing. Before the final testing day, it was understood that the way the cards were displayed, as the player either hit or stand on his hand was acceptable based on our questions and after-class inquiries. The team was disappointed to find out on the final testing day that it was decided that this facet of our game was undesirable. The team talked to the tester and was allowed the time until the end of the class period to fix the code. Luckily, with the combined help of all members the team was able to fix the code and successfully develop the blackjack game. When creating blackjack it is recommended that the developers look up the specific rules of blackjack. Although there are many different types of blackjack, the common casino version is the most preferable. Blackjack was not an easy game to code and it is recommended that adequate time is planned by planners to develop the code to the desirable level. Even though blackjack was a difficult game to code, it was very fulfilling for the team when the code ran successfully.