
General Overview of Faculty Compliance Requirements

Upon hire as a faculty member in the College of Nursing, faculty will be given a list of required training modules and medical documentation that must be completed.  All medical documentation must be submitted, through Employee Health.  The training modules must be completed through BuckeyeLearn.  If a training resides outside of BuckeyeLearn, instructions for completion and submission will be provided under the ‘In-state Faculty’ or ‘Out-of-state Faculty’ tab.  ‘In-state Faculty’ refers to those residing in the state of Ohio.  Faculty residing outside the state of Ohio should refer to the ‘Out-of-State’ section for more information.  The ‘In-state Faculty’ and ‘Out-of-State Faculty’ tabs can be located at the very top of this webpage.

Please understand the majority of compliance requirements are due annually.

A Summary of Faculty Compliance Requirements and Procedures

  1. The list of faculty compliance requirements is listed under the ‘In-state’ and ‘Out-of-State’ tab on the top of this page.  The submission requirements for faculty residing in the state of Ohio are different than the submission instructions for faculty residing outside of Ohio.  Please select the tab according to where you reside.
  2. Compliance status will not be updated unless the correct documentation is submitted per instructions.
  3. Program compliance requirements must be complete according to deadlines given to faculty upon hire.
  4. Faculty are required to maintain a compliant status as long as they are employed in the College of Nursing.
  5. The Office of Student Affairs will send notifications to faculty considered non-compliant or at-risk of becoming non-compliant. The at-risk status indicates a requirement will be expiring in the near future.  Upon receiving notification, it is the faculty member’s responsibility to take immediate action.
  6. Faculty who may be pregnant or have pre-existing medical conditions that prohibit them from completing the medical compliance requirements must submit a medical waiver for approval to Employee Health Services.

Flu Vaccine Deadline

The flu vaccine is available and the deadline to get vaccinated is November 1st