
CD Professionals at Lake Erie's Stone Lab

CD Unit Meeting at Stone Lab
on Gibraltar Island (Summer 2012)

Welcome to the new Extension CD blog! We will be posting relevant and useful information on a regular basis. Please feel free to comment on what you read here. Enjoy!

What is Extension? Ohio State University Extension fulfills the university’s land-grant mission by engaging in the creation and transfer of knowledge for use by individuals, businesses, organizations and communities throughout Ohio.

What is Extension CD? Extension professionals with a Community Development focus address issues and opportunities in partnership with:

  • Businesses, organizations, associations and committees
  • Current and emerging community leaders
  • Elected and appointed officials

As part of the national Extension network we are able to share perspectives with residents and leaders regarding local development issues, increase the knowledge base for individual and community decisions, develop skills necessary to help these partners achieve their individual and community goals and help create a more inclusive decision-making environment.

Meet the CD Staff

We hope the content shared here helps you better understand how Extension CD professionals partner to strengthen lives and communities through research-based educational programming. If you are aware of  opportunities to partner or have specific questions about the content shared here, please let us know.

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