Nursing changes your life (by Ruth Frankenfield)
The nursing profession is changing. The average age of nurses and the average number of years of nursing experience both are decreasing. I’ve been in nursing now for nearly four decades and am certainly considered old. I often wonder…
Random Acts of Compassion (by Ruth Frankenfield)
Micro moments of kindness, compassion & other forms of positivity nourish your mind, wisdom and longevity People often ask about compassion, “Isn’t it the same as empathy?” Empathy is the gateway to compassion. Its…
Reflecting on International Relationship-Based Care Symposium (by Kathrynn Thompson)
Relationship Based Care and the Art of Nursing I have been passionate about the Art of Nursing my entire career. Cathleen Jenner (1997) in her article The Art of Nursing: a Concept Analysis in Nursing Forum defined the Art of…
Crafting a Cure
Is now on display in Graves Hall through June! Check out the beautiful, creative ways of caring! This display highlights crafts made by James staff for their patients.
Social Media Tips (by Ruth Frankenfield)
Several years ago, a nurse was fired from her job for posting a photo on Instagram of a trauma room with the caption, “Man vs 6train…”. Before posting she made sure that it didn’t violate HIPPA laws or hospital…
Great Day
Do you ever hear about a “Great Day” for someone or a unit? Here is a Great Day that 17 James had and is worth remembering. Our James Sickle Cell Team and The Faith Thomas Foundation Because of the…
Never underestimate gentle passion
I will admit that I have been glued to the 2016 election. For the past 18 months I have tuned in to the news, read articles, followed key people on Twitter, and watched all debates in their entirety. I was investing…
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