Never underestimate gentle passion

I will admit that I have been glued to the 2016 election. For the past 18 months I have tuned in to the news, read articles, followed key people on Twitter, and watched all debates in their entirety. I was investing in this process to educate myself to make informed decisions on candidates and issues.

I took advantage of early voting! I was especially proud to see a busload from our University show up at early voting!


What a relief! It is over – it is over. Votes have been cast and a decision has been made. But wait! I’m not sure that these results are what I was expecting!?! What do I do now?

My email was filled with thoughts, suggestions, and resources:

The OSU Lantern had an article about student views. The OSU student view Mixed reviews from students with different perspectives.

A strategic planning blog offered great perspective: Brainzooming and perspective


Ken Yeager – OSU Distinguished Professor of Compassionate Care where Ken shares ways to process this information through perspective, dialogue and personal commitment; and Choice by Joseph Grenny & David Maxfield from VitalSmarts who share perspective about personal accountability in decision making.

Flip the paradigm! How can I – a Registered Nurse – make a difference in a different political climate than the last 8 years? Knowing that there are many people that want change and may need my RN knowledge, skills and abilities to help them transition.

Serendipity! Today was the presentation by Meghan Underhill, PhD, RN, AOCNS, Opportunities for Excellence: Promoting Oncology Nursing Scholarship and Evidence Based Practice. She listed out the following about being a member of the team:

  1. Show up
  2. Do the work
  3. Tell your story
  4. Respect the team
  5. Gain trust

With gentle passion, Dr. Underhill described everything that we do everyday as nurses and healthcare team members in a Relationship-Based Care philosophy! Staying true to who we are each and everyday can make the difference for those that need our care. As a MH CNS here at The James, I would be delighted to dialogue with anyone about our world.

Much like Ken Yeager describes, the world is not coming to an end. We each have the power to be part of the team that will move us forward as an institution, a community, and a country.

Let’s do this!