Meeting 10:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 4-April-2017
Time: 1:50 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: AEV Design, Efficiency Problems
Determine a plan going forward since the anticipated higher performing design underperformed
below expectations and now the final design choice remains uncertain.
To do/ Action Items:
● Review energy used data between the streamlined design and the original design
● Determine the best code out of the few developed for the assignment
● Determine if it was the code or the vehicle responsible for the less efficient trial
● Determine the final design for final testing
● “Streamlined” alternative design is less efficient than originally assumed and less
efficient than the other design chosen from a previous lab
● Original design will serve as the final design
● Balance of the vehicle is essential to the performance of the vehicle
Meeting 9:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 24-March-2017
Time: 2:30 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: Design 2 Final Testing
Test the other design that was recently cut with a laser cutter. This part of the assignment was delayed
due to the fact that the base for the second design was received significantly later than anticipated. Now
that we have the essential component,m the other design can be assembled and tested. After
comparing the tested data from the two designs, a final design can be selected for the final design
To do/ Action Items:
Test and obtain data regarding the performance of the streamlined base design
Ultimately use this design overall since the mass of the base was reduced 44 percent. This was done by
cutting out pieces from the middle of the base and by removing any parts of the base that was not
essential to the performance of the craft. Furthermore, since this design was back heavy, the battery
was placed on the front of the craft due to ensure stability. If stability was not considered, the rotation
of the craft could potentially jeopardize the AEV’s ability to tow the caboose component.
What else can we do to improve the performance of the craft?
How can we change the code to further reduce the amount of energy used?
Meeting 8:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 23-March-2017
Time: 4:30 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: PDR
Lay out expectations for the preliminary design review report and assign roles. Most of the assignment
was completed during this long meeting. While we had an outline for the entire document, the bulk of
analysis, charts, pictures and gantt graph was uploaded during this meeting.
To do/ Action Items:
● Edit Executive Summary
● Format Document
● Create and insert gantt graph
● Insert energy graphs
● Analyze the different designs
● Talk about the differences between the different models
● Justify why our group selected the two designs they did
● Edit intro and conclusion
● James will submit the document, write and edit the intro, conclusion, and executive summary
● Tyler will create the gantt chart
● Carlos will discuss the designs from the assignment
● Albert will discuss and analyze the data from the energy graphs
● PDR will be complete after meeting
● Group is able to work on a condensed timeline to complete large tasks
Meeting 7:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 27-Feb-2017
Time: 1:50 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, James Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: Presentation for Preliminary Design Report
Practice the presentation
To do/ Action Items:
-Have everyone go over their part individually twice for the group and then once all together to ensure
confidence and understanding of material and time
-Last minute revised the problem solving slide and cut down on context to shorten slightly
-Final practice time was 7 minutes and 12 seconds
Meeting 6:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 23-Feb-2017
Time: 4:00 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, James Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: Presentation for Preliminary Design Report
Organize the sections of the presentation and practice them so that we could be prepared for the actual
presentation the following Wednesday. Furthermore, the overall power point was already created so
only final revisions were made during the meeting. While this did not take a majority of the time, we
readdressed critical content items with regard to looking forward and next steps for our project.
To do/ Action Items:
-Revise the looking forward section
-Divide up sections of the presentation so that everyone participates during the presentation
-brainstorm creative ways to add extra items to the presentation
-practice eye contact and fluidity so that presentation next week is smooth
-Looking forward decision emphasized mission statement which was to go with a laser cut material
instead of the provided material
-Furthermore, we added context for AEV and autonomous vehicles in society as an introduction and
conclusion to add creativity
-Each teammate responsible for 2-3 slides
-Practice times were all between 6 minutes and 8 minutes
Meeting 5:
Team Meeting Notes:
Date: 16-Feb-2017
Time: 4:00 pm (In person meeting )
Members Present:James Pfeifer, Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo
Topics Discussed: Post Lab, Presentation, Website
Today’s focus centered around creating the presentation for the project, in addition to uploading and
addressing the website for the project.
To do/ Action Items:
-Everyone make an account for the website
-add everyone to the project website
-upload pictures and progress reports to the website
-rough outline of powerpoint for project
-speaking order for the presentation, in addition to style for the presentation. A conclusion was not
-Business formal is a good idea for the presentation since its conveys serious nature and
professionality of the project and the audience which is a group of engineering students at a
university in a class which they are all paying for.
Meeting 4:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 09-Feb-2017
Time: 4:00 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: James Pfeifer, James Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo,
Topics Discussed: Post Lab, Progress report
Review the code to increase the power of the code without jeopardizing the AEV’s stability on the
To do/ Action Items:
-Have all members submit a dimensioned idea for the AEV.
-Discuss the different designs.
-Identify different tasks needed to attain each design.
-Come close to deciding a vehicle design.
-Some of the designs require 3D printing, and therefore would need to submit a solidworks design.
-A final design was not selected yet due to the group’s uncertainty over the additional work
components from 3D printing.
Meeting 3:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 06-Feb-2017
Time: 2:00 pm (GroupMe-Meeting)
Members Present: Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo, James Pfeifer
Topics Discussed: Post Lab
Today’s focus was on writing our next progress report and creating different, effective designs for the
To do/ Action Items:
-Have all members submit a dimensioned idea for the AEV.
-Discuss the different designs.
-Identify different tasks needed to attain each design.
-Come close to deciding a vehicle design.
-Some of the designs require 3D printing, and therefore would need to submit a solidworks design.
-A final design was not selected yet due to the group’s uncertainty over the additional work components
from 3D printing.
Meeting 2:
Team Meeting Notes
Date: 27-Jan-2017
Time: 6:00 pm (Face to Face)
Members Present: Albert Hsu, Tyler Wang, Carlos Perez-Oviedo, James Pfeifer
Topics Discussed: Post Lab
Today’s focus was on evaluating our troubleshooting and beginning the progress report.
To do/ Action Items:
-Looking back portion.
-Assign roles.
-List out effective problem solving techniques.
-The group assigned roles and determined who would write each portion.
-The group defined different techniques to ensure success for future labs. Despite facing a great deal of
problems from the different dated components, the group ultimately came up with a system for in
depth trouble shooting.
-Meeting on a Friday evening was difficult since it was a more relaxed time, but was still overall
-Future labs should run more smoothly due to the coherent understanding of how to troubleshoot every
component in the system.
Meeting 1:
Team Meeting Notes
– Carlos will work with the wind tunnel while rest of team works on code
– Albert will assemble the AEV and bring it to lab
– Entire team start working on next progress report day after lab, don’t procrastinate
– James will connect to the Arduino with his computer since it seems to work best>