The Ohio State University: College of Engineering

Lab 07 – Preliminary Design Review Oral Presentations

Preliminary Design Review Oral Presentations

Lab 7 consisted of the team creating and presenting the Preliminary Design Review Oral Presentation. The presentation included a concise overview of selected takeaways from Labs 1 through 6 and a detailed plan as to what the team’s future schedule looked like.  Presenting to supervisors and colleagues created an atmosphere in which the team could receive feedback, whether that be positive or constructive. As a whole, the presentation acted as the first step into the team’s completion of the Critical Design Review Oral Presentation at the end of the project.


Important takeaways were drawn from lab 7, including that:

  1. Labs 1 through 6 were all vital in the design process to the team’s current design. Takeaways, regarding the syntax of the Arduino code, the setup of the reflectance sensors, the specific propellers that were chosen, and testing that was done with the reference design, all were identified and analyzed.
  2. The moving forward plan was created. It included goals for each specific performance test, and for the project, as a whole. A detailed schedule was also created.
  3. Feedback from colleagues and supervisors was taken into consideration.
  4. Oral presentation skills were tested and graded.


Full Preliminary Design Report


Full Lab 7 Progress Report