Stop Motion Moving Picture


For this project, I used my roommate doing homework as the story. I really struggled to come up with something to find but then it came to me, we spend almost all of our time throughout the day studying which makes up a huge part of our identity. Whenever my roommate and I are in the room we are doing school work, or at least trying to. However, throughout that time we are often snacking, talking, or doing anything else that may be a distraction. As I came up with this idea, I realized that it represents exactly how our time is spent but in one compressed time frame, which is what the project is supposed to be. I used several images, each .5 seconds long and iMovie audio of clock ticking and then a buzzer to exemplify how much time we waste from distractions and how eventually we often just give up for the day. This moving picture is much different than one single image. I could have used a single image of her just staring at her homework but it definitely would not have gotten the same effect. You could maybe see that she is not super interested in her work from an image but through this moving picture, you see that she is really not motivated, not focused, and the time is just passing by without anything productive being done.