
I love giving talks for a variety of audiences, and I’m always happy to speak at clubs, dorms, summer programs or schools. Please contact me by email to arrange something.

  • A reinforcement learning approach to the tradeoff between memory and prediction in morphological production [PDF]
  • How to solve phonetics NACLO problems [PDF]
  • The road to LLMs: what computational linguists have learned from four
    decades of experimental statistics.
    Department of Statistics seminar. [PDF]
  • LLMs: the linguistic perspective. The Ohio State Symposium on Large Language Models 2023. [PDF]
  • Stability and change: computational studies of morphology in contact. Mastervision 2023. [PDF]
  • Ethical Artificial Intelligence. Sinclair Community College 2022. [PDF]
  • In Search of Abstract Morphological Structure. Cognitive Science Club 2022. [PDF]
  • Do Computers Understand Us? Cumberland Valley HS 2020. [PDF]
  • Modeling language and vision.  Summer Linguistics Institute for Youth Scholars (SLIYS) 2018. [PDF]
  • ABBA: finding repeated strings in ciphers: interactive demo. [Javascript]
  • Context-free gibberish: interactive demo. [Javascript]
  • Breaking the Playfair cipher automatically: interactive demo (password protected). [Javascript]
  • Breaking the Vigenere cipher: interactive demo. Based on Simon Singh’s site “The Black Chamber”. [Javascript]
  • Thinking about ‘thinking’: How children learn to talk about mental states. Cognitive science and humanities summer institute 2015. [Slides (PDF)]
  • Acquiring language: A story about research. Cognitive science summer workshop 2015. [Slides (PDF)]
  • Cyberdetectives, robot mysteries. Cognitive science and humanities summer institute 2014. [Slides (PDF)]
  • Demo: constraint-based word segmentation in Croatian. COSI Portal to the Public, March 2014. [Demo (JS)] [Poster (PDF)]
  • Non-serious! Subtle and Quick to Anger: Why You Are a Wizard and Why It Matters. ILCC Firbush Retreat, May 2012. [Slides (PDF)]