
Discussion groups

I regularly attend these groups, and often others as well.

  • Discussion group for language acquisition [Lacqueys]
  • Discussion group for computational linguistics [Clippers]

Regularly scheduled

These courses are typically available, although I may not be teaching them this term.

  • Computational Linguistics 2: Statistical natural language processing (LING 5802) [Syllabus]
  • Technical Tools for Linguists (LING 5050) [Course site]
  • Language and the Mind (LING 3701/PSYCH 3371) [Syllabus]
  • The Linguistics of Constructed Languages (LING 3502) [Syllabus]
  • Code-making and code-breaking (LING 3801) (this course is shared with other instructors; contact Hope Dawson for an up-to-date syllabus)
  • Introduction to language in the humanities (LING 2000H) [Syllabus]


Seminar courses are unlikely to recur, at least without major changes.

  • Models of Morphological Learning and Change (Ling 8800) [Syllabus]
  • Topics in language and vision (LING 8800) [Syllabus]
  • Statistical models of language acquisition (LING 8800) [Syllabus]