

The purpose of the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) includes, but is not limited to, working toward the betterment of the college and contributing to the overall success of students; providing feedback and voicing concerns impacting graduate students, promoting mutual respect among faculty, staff, and students; and supporting opportunities for graduate students to engage in networking, collaboration, and professional development experiences.

The work of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council aligns to and supports the core values of EHE: excellence, integrity, diversity, equity, inclusion, innovation, and internationalization. The EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council will provide leadership in advancing the core values of the college by supporting graduate students.

To accomplish this, the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council will:

  • Focus on the holistic success of students, including but not limited to academic, social, physical and mental wellness, and professional development
  • Represent the interests of all EHE graduate students
  • Maintain a diverse, inclusive, open, and transparent council
  • Behave ethically and be accountable for its actions
  • Seek innovative solutions and opportunities to address EHE graduate student challenges
  • Celebrate and support EHE graduate students


Section 1. Regular Members

The council is composed of twelve regular members. The council membership shall include four student representatives from the three EHE departments (Human Sciences, Educational Studies, and Teaching and Learning).

Due to the structure of the Human Sciences department, one member from each program will be selected to comprise the four Human Sciences positions (one member from Consumer Sciences; one member from Human Nutrition/OSUN; one member from Human Development and Family Science; one member from Kinesiology).

The council seeks to maintain diversity of membership and viewpoints.

Section 2. Elections

The election and nomination process will take place in the spring semester. By the end of the second week of January, incumbents should declare their intent to return.

The Graduate Student Advisory Council will identify the number of returning members. Any open seats must be filled through an election by the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council members.

Students who would like to serve on the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council should respond to an annual Call for Nominations distributed via a designated process, such as a Qualtrics survey. The open membership position will depend on which incumbents’ terms have concluded and whether they intend to return to the Graduate Student Advisory Council.

Elections and nominations will be managed by the “Elections & Nominations” subcommittee and/or organization leadership depending on member availability and interest. Approval of processes and decisions to be approved by the whole committee.

Section 3. Term Limits

Members may serve two-year terms. Incumbents may be re-nominated to serve a second two-year term. New member positions and renewed positions elected as part of the annual nomination process will start autumn semester. If elected into an open position mid-year, the position will start once elected and notified by the council.

Master’s students are eligible and encouraged to apply for a position on the council to be served during their second year of enrollment in EHE. If a student will only be enrolled for one more additional year to complete their degree, they can serve a one-year term and their position will then be up for election upon completion of the year. If a Master’s student will be moving on to an OSU EHE Ph.D. or Ed.D. program, they can continue to hold their position until the end of their two-year term.

Section 4. Eligibility

Student eligibility for the Graduate Student Advisory Council requires the following:

  • Enrollment in a graduate program in the College of Education and Human Ecology as an EHE graduate student (MA, Ph.D., EdD) 
  • Willingness to make the necessary time commitment
  • Ability to represent graduate student with professionalism and a solution-based orientation

Section 5. Vacancies

Council membership vacancies that arise shall be filled by the Graduate Student Advisory Council, in consultation with the Dean, within two months or via the annual selection process, if it is underway.

If no nominations are received for the missing departmental membership position, the membership committee will determine next steps with approval from the Graduate Student Advisory Council members.

Section 6. Removal of Member

  • Two or more unexcused absences from monthly meetings per year
  • If the actions of the council member violate bylaws and values, the remaining members (excluding any members who may also be in violation) can remove the member from their position with a unanimous vote and approval from the Dean.


Section 1. Titles

Three members of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council will serve as officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Communications Manager each serving a one-year term beginning in autumn semester and running through the end of the academic year.

Positions will be elected by members of the Graduate Student Advisory Council.

Section 2. Duties

The duties of the Chair are to:

  • Must have a minimum of one-year experience on the committee
  • Facilitate and foster an open, inclusive, and positive atmosphere
  • Call meetings and set the agenda
  • Preside over and conduct the meetings in accordance with accepted meeting procedures
  • Aid the subcommittee chairs in setting the goals and priorities of the subcommittees
  • Monitor that the bylaws are followed
  • Represent the Graduate Student Advisory Council at meetings with EHE and departmental leadership, including the Executive Council, when appropriate

The duties of the Vice Chair are to:

  • Facilitate and foster an open, inclusive, and positive atmosphere
  • Aid the subcommittee chairs in setting the goals and priorities of the subcommittees alongside the Chair
  • Monitor that the bylaws are followed
  • Work along with the Chair to come up with meeting agendas and action plans
  • Act in place of the Chair in their absence
  • Serve as Chair of Membership “Elections and Nominations” subcommittee

The duties of the Communications Manager are to:

  • Disseminate the agenda and coordinate meetings
  • Record minutes and disperse appropriately
  • Manage online platforms for communication and engagement alongside (e.g., Teams, OneDrive, website, listserv)
  • Maintain archives in an electronic form alongside Vice Chair
  • Act in place of the Chair or Vice Chair in their absence

Section 3. Appointment as an Officer

All officers will be elected by the full Graduate Student Advisory Council. Every officer position is elected on a yearly basis with their duties starting in the beginning of autumn semester and running through the end of the academic year.

Section 4. Ex Officio membership on the EHE College Council

One EHE GSAC officer shall serve as an Ex Officio member on the EHE College Council or its equivalent, if applicable.


Section 1. Frequency

The EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council will hold monthly meetings where they will seek input and participation of EHE graduate students at monthly meetings. Any graduate student who is not a member of the Graduate Student Advisory Council who would like to discuss a topic at the meeting should send a request to the Chair stating the purpose of attending the meeting and include any additional information that may help members come better prepared to participate. The Chair will work with the requester to determine a meeting and time in which the issue can fit on the agenda.

EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council shall meet with the Dean at a minimum of once per semester.

Section 2. Procedure

An agenda for each meeting of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council shall be prepared and distributed at least 2 business days prior to the meeting by the Chair and Vice Chair.

Meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes will be posted online for council members to access.

Meeting minutes shall document attendance, all proceedings, action items, and voting outcomes of each meeting. Meeting minutes shall be submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Virtual opportunities for members unable to attend in-person will be available upon request.

Section 3. Voting

All members of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council are eligible to vote on matters in need for a vote.

Each council member receives one vote on any proposal or in any election’s procedure.

A two-thirds majority of votes is required to pass any proposal at council meetings.

In-meeting votes will occur on an anonymously approved platform. The Vice Chair will be responsible for monitoring voting as the Chair facilitates the process.

A quorum shall consist of at least one officer and a simple majority of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council.

Section 4. Special Meetings

The EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council Chair or Vice Chair shall be authorized to call special meetings and shall state the purpose of the special meeting in the call.

Except in the rare case of an emergency, five (5) business days’ notice shall be given.

The chair may authorize the use of communication technology to facilitate a special meeting.

Attendance shall be taken to establish a quorum.

Special meetings follow the same protocol for documentation and approval as regular meetings.

Bylaws will be reviewed and updated on an annual bases. The members of the EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council can vote to update the Bylaws at any point.