Using Materials in Distance Education and eLearning

Check out some information about using materials in Distance Education and eLearning below!

The Copyright Resources Center provides information on copyright basics, using works in a distance learning environment, and best practices for finding and using public domain and openly licensed sources (including Creative Commons).

When do you need permission to use a copyrighted work in your online course?

Copyright law provides two important statutory exceptions for distance learning: the TEACH Act and fair use. Using materials in distance learning: A guide to 110(2) (the TEACH Act) will guide you through all of the requirements outlined in the TEACH Act to determine if you may rely on this statutory exception to perform or display a work in an online setting. You may also consider whether your use of a work constitutes fair use. Use the fair use checklist app to work through all of the fair use factors.

Looking for works that are free of copyright restrictions or works that are openly licensed?

The Copyright Resources Center has a growing list of public domain and openly licensed materials.

When using a Creative Commons licensed work, you must provide attribution to the copyright owner. Use this Creative Commons Attribution Guide to review the elements required for attribution and to view sample attribution statements.

If you cannot rely on a statutory exception, such as the TEACH Act or fair use, and the copyrighted work is not available under an open license, you must seek permission from the copyright owner to use the work. More information on the approval process and sample permission forms are available at


The Copyright Resources Center at University Libraries provides copyright education and guidance to faculty, staff, and students of the University. Information and resources are available on our website at You can reach out to us for any of your copyright questions by phone (614.688.5849) or email (

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Autumn 2015!

Your EHE EdTech team has been busy preparing for this academic year, and we are excited to be rolling out new programming,  and workshops, and getting the word out about our existing services.

Throughout the academic year, EdTech will be featuring a lunch n’ learn series called EdTech Talks!

Everyone is invited to attend our sessions! All sessions are held from 11:30-12:30. Feel free to bring your lunch with you, as lunch will not be provided.

Save the dates:

September 15th EdTech Exclusive: AU15 EdTech Open House EHE College Commons

Welcome to the new academic year and the new and improved services from your EHE EdTech Team!  All EHE faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend the EdTech Exclusive Open House. Come and learn about new EdTech services, spaces, and people, or get reacquainted with the old ones! Learn about what we can do to assist you in your course design, enhancing student learning through multimedia integration, or how we can help meet your course meeting place needs. Got new suggestions on how we can meet your needs? Join us on September 15th for one hour only, and let us know your suggestions.

September 23rd Fair Use, Copyright, and Creative Commons EHE College Commons

Am I supposed to cite it to write it? Fair use, copyright, and creative commons… oh my! Come join us at RA 260 for a fun Lunch n’ Learn session to avoid getting stuck in the legalities and for some quick tips and tricks!

October 14th The Good, The Balanced, and the Lessons Learned: A Story from the QM Review Trenches 252 Campbell Hall

Join us to hear a firsthand account of how to create an awesome online course and get it approved by the nationally recognized Quality Matters! We are honored to have Cathy Montalto here to share her knowledge about online courses and Quality Matters. Learn all the ins and outs of building an alignment map, working with the EdTech Instructional Design Team, and going through the QM Review process!

October 27th Curriculum Committee and EdTech EHE College Commons

Join us for an insightful look at how courses are approved by the Curriculum Committee. Working together with the Curriculum Committee, the EdTech department has developed an OSU Quality Matters course review that is used to determine if your course is ready for prime time. Remember, even if your face-to-face course has been approved by the Curriculum Committee your online and hybrid courses still need to be approved as they follow different guidelines.

November 10th New Security Risks Require Better Research Data Protection EHE College Commons (Ramseyer 260) 11:30pm-12:30pm

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) and the Research Methodology Center (RMC) want to help you to evaluate and improve your protocols for handling and storage of research data.  We’ll help you identify and address security issues that could place you projects at risk. We’ll also help you understand how the University’s information Risk Management program affects the work you’re doing now and in the future.  Most importantly, we’d like to hear from you on what you’re having trouble with and how we can help. Please join us for a great opportunity to collaborate on how to keep your data safe.

December 2nd A to V: Budgeting for Your Audio and Video Needs in Your Research Grant Proposals EHE College Commons

The deadline that once seemed so far away has quickly arrived. Your research-grant proposal is due. Looking over the budget request one last time you check off travel expenses, wages for research assistants, conference fees, software, hardware, and the other obvious necessities. Is anything missing? If your audio and video needs are not accounted for, the answer is most likely: Yes! In this workshop one of our multimedia specialists, Jennifer Cooke, with be partnering with Dr. Paul Post to address this common proposal oversight, and will suggest steps to make sure your research grant is complete, A to V.